


ADModelBackend(gradient_backend, hprod_backend, jprod_backend, jtprod_backend, jacobian_backend, hessian_backend, ghjvprod_backend, hprod_residual_backend, jprod_residual_backend, jtprod_residual_backend, jacobian_residual_backend, hessian_residual_backend)

Structure that define the different backend used to compute automatic differentiation of an ADNLPModel/ADNLSModel model. The different backend are all subtype of ADBackend and are respectively used for:

  • gradient computation;
  • hessian-vector products;
  • jacobian-vector products;
  • transpose jacobian-vector products;
  • jacobian computation;
  • hessian computation;
  • directional second derivative computation, i.e. gᵀ ∇²cᵢ(x) v.

The default constructors are ADModelBackend(nvar, f, ncon = 0, c = (args...) -> []; showtime::Bool = false, kwargs...) ADModelNLSBackend(nvar, F!, nequ, ncon = 0, c = (args...) -> []; showtime::Bool = false, kwargs...)

If show_time is set to true, it prints the time used to generate each backend.

The remaining kwargs are either the different backends as listed below or arguments passed to the backend's constructors:

  • gradient_backend = ForwardDiffADGradient;
  • hprod_backend = ForwardDiffADHvprod;
  • jprod_backend = ForwardDiffADJprod;
  • jtprod_backend = ForwardDiffADJtprod;
  • jacobian_backend = SparseADJacobian;
  • hessian_backend = ForwardDiffADHessian;
  • ghjvprod_backend = ForwardDiffADGHjvprod;
  • hprod_residual_backend = ForwardDiffADHvprod for ADNLSModel and EmptyADbackend otherwise;
  • jprod_residual_backend = ForwardDiffADJprod for ADNLSModel and EmptyADbackend otherwise;
  • jtprod_residual_backend = ForwardDiffADJtprod for ADNLSModel and EmptyADbackend otherwise;
  • jacobian_residual_backend = SparseADJacobian for ADNLSModel and EmptyADbackend otherwise;
  • hessian_residual_backend = ForwardDiffADHessian for ADNLSModel and EmptyADbackend otherwise.
ADNLPModel(f, x0)
ADNLPModel(f, x0, lvar, uvar)
ADNLPModel(f, x0, clinrows, clincols, clinvals, lcon, ucon)
ADNLPModel(f, x0, A, lcon, ucon)
ADNLPModel(f, x0, c, lcon, ucon)
ADNLPModel(f, x0, clinrows, clincols, clinvals, c, lcon, ucon)
ADNLPModel(f, x0, A, c, lcon, ucon)
ADNLPModel(f, x0, lvar, uvar, clinrows, clincols, clinvals, lcon, ucon)
ADNLPModel(f, x0, lvar, uvar, A, lcon, ucon)
ADNLPModel(f, x0, lvar, uvar, c, lcon, ucon)
ADNLPModel(f, x0, lvar, uvar, clinrows, clincols, clinvals, c, lcon, ucon)
ADNLPModel(f, x0, lvar, uvar, A, c, lcon, ucon)

ADNLPModel is an AbstractNLPModel using automatic differentiation to compute the derivatives. The problem is defined as

 min  f(x)  lcon ≤ (  Ax  ) ≤ ucon
             ( c(x) )
      lvar ≤   x  ≤ uvar.

The following keyword arguments are available to all constructors:

  • minimize: A boolean indicating whether this is a minimization problem (default: true)
  • name: The name of the model (default: "Generic")

The following keyword arguments are available to the constructors for constrained problems:

  • y0: An inital estimate to the Lagrangian multipliers (default: zeros)

ADNLPModel uses ForwardDiff and ReverseDiff for the automatic differentiation. One can specify a new backend with the keyword arguments backend::ADNLPModels.ADBackend. There are three pre-coded backends:

  • the default ForwardDiffAD.
  • ReverseDiffAD.
  • ZygoteDiffAD accessible after loading Zygote.jl in your environment.

For an advanced usage, one can define its own backend and redefine the API as done in ADNLPModels.jl/src/forward.jl.


using ADNLPModels
f(x) = sum(x)
x0 = ones(3)
nvar = 3
ADNLPModel(f, x0) # uses the default ForwardDiffAD backend.
ADNLPModel(f, x0; backend = ADNLPModels.ReverseDiffAD) # uses ReverseDiffAD backend.

using Zygote
ADNLPModel(f, x0; backend = ADNLPModels.ZygoteAD)
using ADNLPModels
f(x) = sum(x)
x0 = ones(3)
c(x) = [1x[1] + x[2]; x[2]]
nvar, ncon = 3, 2
ADNLPModel(f, x0, c, zeros(ncon), zeros(ncon)) # uses the default ForwardDiffAD backend.
ADNLPModel(f, x0, c, zeros(ncon), zeros(ncon); backend = ADNLPModels.ReverseDiffAD) # uses ReverseDiffAD backend.

using Zygote
ADNLPModel(f, x0, c, zeros(ncon), zeros(ncon); backend = ADNLPModels.ZygoteAD)

For in-place constraints function, use one of the following constructors:

ADNLPModel!(f, x0, c!, lcon, ucon)
ADNLPModel!(f, x0, clinrows, clincols, clinvals, c!, lcon, ucon)
ADNLPModel!(f, x0, A, c!, lcon, ucon)
ADNLPModel(f, x0, lvar, uvar, c!, lcon, ucon)
ADNLPModel(f, x0, lvar, uvar, clinrows, clincols, clinvals, c!, lcon, ucon)
ADNLPModel(f, x0, lvar, uvar, A, c!, lcon, ucon)

where the constraint function has the signature c!(output, input).

using ADNLPModels
f(x) = sum(x)
x0 = ones(3)
function c!(output, x) 
  output[1] = 1x[1] + x[2]
  output[2] = x[2]
nvar, ncon = 3, 2
nlp = ADNLPModel!(f, x0, c!, zeros(ncon), zeros(ncon)) # uses the default ForwardDiffAD backend.
ADNLSModel(F, x0, nequ)
ADNLSModel(F, x0, nequ, lvar, uvar)
ADNLSModel(F, x0, nequ, clinrows, clincols, clinvals, lcon, ucon)
ADNLSModel(F, x0, nequ, A, lcon, ucon)
ADNLSModel(F, x0, nequ, c, lcon, ucon)
ADNLSModel(F, x0, nequ, clinrows, clincols, clinvals, c, lcon, ucon)
ADNLSModel(F, x0, nequ, A, c, lcon, ucon)
ADNLSModel(F, x0, nequ, lvar, uvar, clinrows, clincols, clinvals, lcon, ucon)
ADNLSModel(F, x0, nequ, lvar, uvar, A, lcon, ucon)
ADNLSModel(F, x0, nequ, lvar, uvar, c, lcon, ucon)
ADNLSModel(F, x0, nequ, lvar, uvar, clinrows, clincols, clinvals, c, lcon, ucon)
ADNLSModel(F, x0, nequ, lvar, uvar, A, c, lcon, ucon)

ADNLSModel is an Nonlinear Least Squares model using automatic differentiation to compute the derivatives. The problem is defined as

 min  ½‖F(x)‖²  lcon ≤ (  Ax  ) ≤ ucon
             ( c(x) )
      lvar ≤   x  ≤ uvar

where nequ is the size of the vector F(x) and the linear constraints come first.

The following keyword arguments are available to all constructors:

  • linequ: An array of indexes of the linear equations (default: Int[])
  • minimize: A boolean indicating whether this is a minimization problem (default: true)
  • name: The name of the model (default: "Generic")

The following keyword arguments are available to the constructors for constrained problems:

  • y0: An inital estimate to the Lagrangian multipliers (default: zeros)

ADNLSModel uses ForwardDiff and ReverseDiff for the automatic differentiation. One can specify a new backend with the keyword arguments backend::ADNLPModels.ADBackend. There are three pre-coded backends:

  • the default ForwardDiffAD.
  • ReverseDiffAD.
  • ZygoteDiffAD accessible after loading Zygote.jl in your environment.

For an advanced usage, one can define its own backend and redefine the API as done in ADNLPModels.jl/src/forward.jl.


using ADNLPModels
F(x) = [x[2]; x[1]]
nequ = 2
x0 = ones(3)
nvar = 3
ADNLSModel(F, x0, nequ) # uses the default ForwardDiffAD backend.
ADNLSModel(F, x0, nequ; backend = ADNLPModels.ReverseDiffAD) # uses ReverseDiffAD backend.

using Zygote
ADNLSModel(F, x0, nequ; backend = ADNLPModels.ZygoteAD)
using ADNLPModels
F(x) = [x[2]; x[1]]
nequ = 2
x0 = ones(3)
c(x) = [1x[1] + x[2]; x[2]]
nvar, ncon = 3, 2
ADNLSModel(F, x0, nequ, c, zeros(ncon), zeros(ncon)) # uses the default ForwardDiffAD backend.
ADNLSModel(F, x0, nequ, c, zeros(ncon), zeros(ncon); backend = ADNLPModels.ReverseDiffAD) # uses ReverseDiffAD backend.

using Zygote
ADNLSModel(F, x0, nequ, c, zeros(ncon), zeros(ncon); backend = ADNLPModels.ZygoteAD)

For in-place constraints and residual function, use one of the following constructors:

ADNLSModel!(F!, x0, nequ)
ADNLSModel!(F!, x0, nequ, lvar, uvar)
ADNLSModel!(F!, x0, nequ, c!, lcon, ucon)
ADNLSModel!(F!, x0, nequ, clinrows, clincols, clinvals, c!, lcon, ucon)
ADNLSModel!(F!, x0, nequ, clinrows, clincols, clinvals, lcon, ucon)
ADNLSModel!(F!, x0, nequ, A, c!, lcon, ucon)
ADNLSModel!(F!, x0, nequ, A, lcon, ucon)
ADNLSModel!(F!, x0, nequ, lvar, uvar, c!, lcon, ucon)
ADNLSModel!(F!, x0, nequ, lvar, uvar, clinrows, clincols, clinvals, c!, lcon, ucon)
ADNLSModel!(F!, x0, nequ, lvar, uvar, clinrows, clincols, clinvals, lcon, ucon)
ADNLSModel!(F!, x0, nequ, lvar, uvar, A, c!, lcon, ucon)
ADNLSModel!(F!, x0, nequ, lvar, uvar, A, clcon, ucon)

where the constraint function has the signature c!(output, input).

using ADNLPModels
function F!(output, x)
  output[1] = x[2]
  output[2] = x[1]
nequ = 2
x0 = ones(3)
function c!(output, x) 
  output[1] = 1x[1] + x[2]
  output[2] = x[2]
nvar, ncon = 3, 2
nls = ADNLSModel!(F!, x0, nequ, c!, zeros(ncon), zeros(ncon))
compute_jacobian_sparsity(c, x0; detector)
compute_jacobian_sparsity(c!, cx, x0; detector)

Return a sparse boolean matrix that represents the adjacency matrix of the Jacobian of c(x).

get_default_backend(meth::Symbol, backend::Symbol; kwargs...)
get_default_backend(::Val{::Symbol}, backend; kwargs...)

Return a type <:ADBackend that corresponds to the default backend use for the method meth. See keys(ADNLPModels.predefined_backend) for a list of possible backends.

The following keyword arguments are accepted:

  • matrix_free::Bool: If true, this returns an EmptyADbackend for methods that handle matrices, e.g. :hessian_backend.
get_lag(nlp, b::ADBackend, obj_weight)
get_lag(nlp, b::ADBackend, obj_weight, y)

Return the lagrangian function ℓ(x) = obj_weight * f(x) + c(x)ᵀy.

get_nln_nnzh(::ADBackend, nvar)
get_nln_nnzh(b::ADModelBackend, nvar)
get_nln_nnzh(nlp::AbstractNLPModel, nvar)

For a given ADBackend of a problem with nvar variables, return the number of nonzeros in the lower triangle of the Hessian. If b is the ADModelBackend then b.hessian_backend is used.

get_nln_nnzj(::ADBackend, nvar, ncon)
get_nln_nnzj(b::ADModelBackend, nvar, ncon)
get_nln_nnzj(nlp::AbstractNLPModel, nvar, ncon)

For a given ADBackend of a problem with nvar variables and ncon constraints, return the number of nonzeros in the Jacobian of nonlinear constraints. If b is the ADModelBackend then b.jacobian_backend is used.

get_residual_nnzh(b::ADModelBackend, nvar)
get_residual_nnzh(nls::AbstractNLSModel, nvar)

Return the number of nonzeros elements in the residual Hessians.

get_residual_nnzj(b::ADModelBackend, nvar, nequ)
get_residual_nnzj(nls::AbstractNLSModel, nvar, nequ)

Return the number of nonzeros elements in the residual Jacobians.

dcolors = nnz_colors(trilH, star_set, colors, ncolors)

Determine the coefficients in trilH that will be computed by a given color.


  • trilH::SparseMatrixCSC: The lower triangular part of a symmetric matrix in CSC format.
  • star_set::StarSet: A structure StarSet returned by the function symmetric_coloring_detailed of SparseMatrixColorings.jl.
  • colors::Vector{Int}: A vector where the i-th entry represents the color assigned to the i-th column of the matrix.
  • ncolors::Int: The number of distinct colors used in the coloring.


  • dcolors::Dict{Int, Vector{Tuple{Int, Int}}}: A dictionary where the keys are the color indices (from 1 to ncolors),

and the values are vectors of tuples. Each tuple contains two integers: the first integer is the row index, and the second integer is the index in trilH.nzval where the non-zero coefficient can be found.

set_adbackend!(nlp, new_adbackend)
set_adbackend!(nlp; kwargs...)

Replace the current adbackend value of nlp by new_adbackend or instantiate a new one with kwargs, see ADModelBackend. By default, the setter with kwargs will reuse existing backends.
