The main goal of CUTEst.jl is to create a CUTEstModel, which rely on the API provided by NLPModels.jl.

CUTEstModel{T}(name, args...; kwargs...)
CUTEstModel(name, args...; precision::Symbol=:double, decode::Bool=true,
            verbose::Bool=false, efirst::Bool=true, lfirst::Bool=true, lvfirst::Bool=true)

Creates a CUTEstModel following the API of NLPModels.jl. This model must be finalized before creating a new one with the same name and precision T. Finalize the current model by calling finalize(nlp) to avoid conflicts.


  • name::AbstractString: The name of the SIF problem to load.
  • args...: Additional arguments passed directly to sifdecoder. These can be used to change parameters of the model.

Keyword arguments

  • precision::Symbol: Specifies the precision of the CUTEstModel. Options are :single, :double (default), or :quadruple. This keyword argument is not supported when using a constructor with a data type T.
  • decode::Bool: Whether to call sifdecoder. Defaults to true.
  • verbose::Bool: If true, enables verbose output during the decoding process. Passed to sifdecoder.
  • efirst::Bool: If true, places equality constraints first.
  • lfirst::Bool: If true, places linear (or affine) constraints first.
  • lvfirst::Bool: If true, places nonlinear variables first.

The second constructor based on the keyword argument precision is type-unstable.

using CUTEst

# Create a CUTEstModel with the name "CHAIN" and a parameter adjustment
nlp = CUTEstModel{Float64}("CHAIN", "-param", "NH=50")
finalize(nlp)  # Finalize the current model

# Create another CUTEstModel with different parameters
nlp = CUTEstModel{Float64}("CHAIN", "-param", "NH=100")
finalize(nlp)  # Finalize the new model