Advanced-usage of DCI


The main function exported by this package is the function dci whose basic usage has been illustrated previously. It is also possible to fine-tune the parameters used in the implementation in two different ways.


DCISolver.jl exports the function dci:

   dci(nlp :: AbstractNLPModel)
   dci(nlp :: AbstractNLPModel, x :: AbstractVector)
   dci(nlp :: AbstractNLPModel, meta :: MetaDCI, x :: AbstractVector)
   dci(nlp :: AbstractNLPModel, meta :: MetaDCI, workspace :: DCIWorkspace)

where MetaDCI is a structure handling all the parameters used in the algorithm, and DCIWorkspace pre-allocates all the memory used during the iterative process.

It is therefore possible to either call dci(nlp, x, kwargs...) and the keywords arguments are passed to the MetaDCI constructor or build an instance of MetaDCI directly.

using ADNLPModels, DCISolver

nlp = ADNLPModel(
  x -> 100 * (x[2] - x[1]^2)^2 + (x[1] - 1)^2,
  [-1.2; 1.0],
  x->[x[1] * x[2] - 1],
  [0.0], [0.0],
  name = "Rosenbrock with x₁x₂=1"

#The alternative would be:
stats = dci(
  nlp, nlp.meta.x0,
  max_time = 600.,
  linear_solver = :ldlfact,
  TR_compute_step = :TR_lsmr
"Execution stats: first-order stationary"

The alternative would be:

meta = DCISolver.MetaDCI(
  nlp.meta.x0, nlp.meta.y0,
  max_time = 600.,
  linear_solver = :ldlfact,
  TR_compute_step = :TR_lsmr
stats = dci(nlp, meta, nlp.meta.x0)
"Execution stats: first-order stationary"

The DCIWorkspace allows to reuse the same memory if one would re-solve a problem of the same dimension.

workspace = DCISolver.DCIWorkspace(nlp, meta, nlp.meta.x0)
stats = dci(nlp, meta, workspace)
worspace.x0 .= ones(2) # change the initial guess, and resolve
stats = dci(nlp, meta, workspace)

List of possible options

Find below a list of the main options of dci.

Tolerances on the problem

We use ϵ = atol + rtol * dualnorm.

| Parameters           | Type          | Default      | Description                                    |
| -------------------- | ------------- | ------------ | ---------------------------------------------- |
| atol                 | AbstractFloat | 1e-5         | absolute tolerance.                            |
| rtol                 | AbstractFloat | 1e-5         | relative tolerance.                            |
| ctol                 | AbstractFloat | 1e-5         | feasibility tolerance.                         |
| unbounded_threshold  | AbstractFloat | -1e5         | below this threshold the problem is unbounded. |
| max_eval             | Integer       | 50000        | maximum number of cons + obj evaluations.      |
| max_time             | AbstractFloat | 120.         | maximum number of seconds.                     |
| max_iter             | Integer       | 500          | maximum number of iterations.                  |
| max_iter_normal_step | Integer       | typemax(Int) | maximum number of iterations in normal step.   |

Compute Lagrange multipliers

| Parameters  | Type        | Default                                         | Description                                           |
| ----------- | ----------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| comp_λ      | Symbol      | :cgls                                           | eval(comp_λ) is used to compute Lagrange multipliers. |
| λ_struct    | comp_λ_cgls | comp_λ_cgls(length(x0), length(y0), typeof(x0)) | companion structure of `comp_λ`.                      |

Tangent step

| Parameters    | Type          | Default  | Description                                                                                               |
| ------------- | ------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| linear_solver | Symbol        | :ldlfact | Solver for the factorization. options: :ma57.                                                             | 
| decrease_γ    | AbstractFloat | 0.1      | Regularization for the factorization: reduce γ if possible, > √eps(T), between tangent steps.             |
| increase_γ    | AbstractFloat | 100.0    | Regularization for the factorization: up γ if possible, < 1/√eps(T), during the factorization.            |
| δmin          | AbstractFloat | √eps(T)  | Regularization for the factorization: smallest value of δ used for the regularization.                    |
| tan_Δ         | AbstractFloat | 1.0      | Tangent step trust-region parameters: initial trust-region radius.                                        |
| tan_η₁        | AbstractFloat | 1e-2     | Tangent step trust-region parameters: decrease the trust-region radius when Ared/Pred < η₁.               |
| tan_η₂        | AbstractFloat | 0.75     | Tangent step trust-region parameters: increase the trust-region radius when Ared/Pred > η₂.               |
| tan_σ₁        | AbstractFloat | 0.25     | Tangent step trust-region parameters: decrease coefficient of the trust-region radius.                    |
| tan_σ₂        | AbstractFloat | 2.0      | Tangent step trust-region parameters: increase coefficient of the trust-region radius.                    |
| tan_small_d   | AbstractFloat | eps(T)   | Tangent step trust-region parameters: ||d|| is too small.                                                 |
| increase_Δtg  | AbstractFloat | 10.0     | Tangent step trust-region parameters: increase if possible, < 1 / √eps(T), the Δtg between tangent steps. |

Normal step

| Parameters             | Type                                    | Default                                            | Description                                                                                               |
| ---------------------- | --------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| feas_step              | Symbol                                  | :feasibility_step                                  | Normal step                                                                                               |
| feas_η₁                | AbstractFloat                           | 1e-3                                               | Feasibility step: decrease the trust-region radius when Ared/Pred < η₁.                                   |
| feas_η₂                | AbstractFloat                           | 0.66                                               | Feasibility step: increase the trust-region radius when Ared/Pred > η₂.                                   |
| feas_σ₁                | AbstractFloat                           | 0.25                                               | Feasibility step: decrease coefficient of the trust-region radius.                                        |
| feas_σ₂                | AbstractFloat                           | 2.0                                                | Feasibility step: increase coefficient of the trust-region radius.                                        |
| feas_Δ₀                | AbstractFloat                           | 1.0                                                | Feasibility step: initial radius.                                                                         |
| feas_expected_decrease | AbstractFloat                           | 0.95                                               | Feasibility step: bad steps are when ‖c(z)‖ / ‖c(x)‖ >feas_expected_decrease.                             |
| bad_steps_lim          | Integer                                 | 3                                                  | Feasibility step: consecutive bad steps before using a second order step.                                 |
| TR_compute_step        | Symbol                                  | :TR_lsmr                                           | Compute the direction in feasibility step: options: :TR_dogleg.                                           |
| TR_compute_step_struct | Union{TR_lsmr_struct, TR_dogleg_struct} | TR_lsmr_struct(length(x0), length(y0), typeof(x0)) | Compute the direction in feasibility step: options: TR_dogleg_struct(length(x0), length(y0), typeof(x0)). |

Parameters updating ρ (or redefine the function compute_ρ)

| Parameters  | Type          | Default | Description                                                     |
| ----------- | ------------- | ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
| compρ_p1    | AbstractFloat | 0.75    | update ρ as `ρ = max(min(ngp, p1) * ρmax, ϵ)`.                  |
| compρ_p2    | AbstractFloat | 0.90    | update ρ as `ρ = primalnorm * p2` if not sufficiently feasible. |
| ρbar        | AbstractFloat | 2.0     | radius of the larger cylinder is `ρbar * ρ`.                    |

The computation of ρ can also be modified by importing compute_ρ(dualnorm, primalnorm, norm∇fx, ρmax, ϵ, iter, meta::MetaDCI)