and block_gmres
work on GPUs with Julia 1.11. Version 11.2.0 or later of GPUArrays.jl
is also required.
If you want to use block_minres
and block_gmres
on previous Julia versions, you can overload the function Krylov.copy_triangle
with the following code:
using KernelAbstractions, Krylov
@kernel function copy_triangle_kernel!(dest, src)
i, j = @index(Global, NTuple)
if j >= i
@inbounds dest[i, j] = src[i, j]
function Krylov.copy_triangle(Q::AbstractMatrix{FC}, R::AbstractMatrix{FC}, k::Int) where FC <: Krylov.FloatOrComplex
backend = get_backend(Q)
ndrange = (k, k)
copy_triangle_kernel!(backend)(R, Q; ndrange=ndrange)
— Function(X, stats) = block_minres(A, b::AbstractMatrix{FC};
M=I, ldiv::Bool=false,
atol::T=√eps(T), rtol::T=√eps(T), itmax::Int=0,
timemax::Float64=Inf, verbose::Int=0, history::Bool=false,
callback=solver->false, iostream::IO=kstdout)
is an AbstractFloat
such as Float32
, Float64
or BigFloat
. FC
is T
or Complex{T}
(X, stats) = block_minres(A, B, X0::AbstractMatrix; kwargs...)
Block-MINRES can be warm-started from an initial guess X0
where kwargs
are the same keyword arguments as above.
Solve the Hermitian linear system AX = B of size n with p right-hand sides using block-MINRES.
Input arguments
: a linear operator that models a Hermitian matrix of dimensionn
: a matrix of sizen × p
Optional argument
: a matrix of sizen × p
that represents an initial guess of the solutionX
Keyword arguments
: linear operator that models a Hermitian positive-definite matrix of sizen
used for centered preconditioning;ldiv
: define whether the preconditioners useldiv!
: absolute stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;rtol
: relative stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;itmax
: the maximum number of iterations. Ifitmax=0
, the default number of iterations is set to2 * div(n,p)
: the time limit in seconds;verbose
: additional details can be displayed if verbose mode is enabled (verbose > 0). Information will be displayed everyverbose
: collect additional statistics on the run such as residual norms;callback
: function or functor called ascallback(solver)
that returnstrue
if the block-Krylov method should terminate, andfalse
: stream to which output is logged.
Output arguments
: a dense matrix of sizen × p
: statistics collected on the run in aSimpleStats
— Functionsolver = block_minres!(solver::BlockMinresSolver, B; kwargs...)
solver = block_minres!(solver::BlockMinresSolver, B, X0; kwargs...)
where kwargs
are keyword arguments of block_minres
See BlockMinresSolver
for more details about the solver
— Function(X, stats) = block_gmres(A, b::AbstractMatrix{FC};
memory::Int=20, M=I, N=I, ldiv::Bool=false,
restart::Bool=false, reorthogonalization::Bool=false,
atol::T=√eps(T), rtol::T=√eps(T), itmax::Int=0,
timemax::Float64=Inf, verbose::Int=0, history::Bool=false,
callback=solver->false, iostream::IO=kstdout)
is an AbstractFloat
such as Float32
, Float64
or BigFloat
. FC
is T
or Complex{T}
(X, stats) = block_gmres(A, B, X0::AbstractMatrix; kwargs...)
Block-GMRES can be warm-started from an initial guess X0
where kwargs
are the same keyword arguments as above.
Solve the linear system AX = B of size n with p right-hand sides using block-GMRES.
Input arguments
: a linear operator that models a matrix of dimensionn
: a matrix of sizen × p
Optional argument
: a matrix of sizen × p
that represents an initial guess of the solutionX
Keyword arguments
: ifrestart = true
, the restarted version block-GMRES(k) is used withk = memory
. Ifrestart = false
, the parametermemory
should be used as a hint of the number of iterations to limit dynamic memory allocations. Additional storage will be allocated if the number of iterations exceedsmemory
: linear operator that models a nonsingular matrix of sizen
used for left preconditioning;N
: linear operator that models a nonsingular matrix of sizen
used for right preconditioning;ldiv
: define whether the preconditioners useldiv!
: restart the method aftermemory
: reorthogonalize the new matrices of the block-Krylov basis against all previous matrix;atol
: absolute stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;rtol
: relative stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;itmax
: the maximum number of iterations. Ifitmax=0
, the default number of iterations is set to2 * div(n,p)
: the time limit in seconds;verbose
: additional details can be displayed if verbose mode is enabled (verbose > 0). Information will be displayed everyverbose
: collect additional statistics on the run such as residual norms;callback
: function or functor called ascallback(solver)
that returnstrue
if the block-Krylov method should terminate, andfalse
: stream to which output is logged.
Output arguments
: a dense matrix of sizen × p
: statistics collected on the run in aSimpleStats
— Functionsolver = block_gmres!(solver::BlockGmresSolver, B; kwargs...)
solver = block_gmres!(solver::BlockGmresSolver, B, X0; kwargs...)
where kwargs
are keyword arguments of block_gmres
See BlockGmresSolver
for more details about the solver