Custom workspaces
Custom workspaces for the Poisson equation with halo regions
The Poisson equation is a fundamental partial differential equation (PDE) in physics and mathematics, modeling phenomena like temperature distribution and incompressible fluid flow. In a 2D Cartesian domain, it can be expressed as:
\[\nabla^2 u(x, y) = f(x, y)\]
Here, $u(x, y)$ is the potential function and $f(x, y)$ represents the source term within the domain.
This page explains how to use a Krylov method to solve the Poisson equation over a rectangular region with specified boundary conditions, detailing the use of a Laplacian operator within a data structure that incorporates halo regions.
Finite difference discretization
We solve the Poisson equation numerically by discretizing the 2D domain using a finite difference method. For a square domain $[0, L] \times [0, L]$, divided into a grid of points, each point approximates the solution $u$ at that position.
With grid spacings $h_x = \frac{L}{N_x + 1}$ and $h_y = \frac{L}{N_y + 1}$, let $u_{i,j}$ denote the approximation of $u(x_i, y_j)$ at grid point $(x_i, y_j) = (ih, jh)$. The 2D Laplacian can be approximated at each interior grid point $(i, j)$ by combining the following central difference formulas:
\[\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} \approx \frac{u_{i+1,j} - 2u_{i,j} + u_{i-1,j}}{h^2}\]
\[\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial y^2} \approx \frac{u_{i,j+1} - 2u_{i,j} + u_{i,j-1}}{h^2}\]
This yields the discrete Poisson equation:
\[\frac{u_{i+1,j} - 2u_{i,j} + u_{i-1,j}}{h^2} + \frac{u_{i,j+1} - 2u_{i,j} + u_{i,j-1}}{h^2} = f_{i,j}\]
resulting in a system of linear equations for the $N^2$ unknowns $u_{i,j}$ at each interior grid point.
Boundary conditions
Boundary conditions complete the system. Common choices are:
- Dirichlet: Specifies values of $u$ on the boundary.
- Neumann: Specifies the normal derivative (or flux) of $u$ on the boundary.
Implementing halo regions with HaloVector
In parallel computing, halo regions (or ghost cells) around the grid store boundary values from neighboring subdomains, allowing independent stencil computation near boundaries. This setup streamlines boundary management in distributed environments.
For specialized applications, Krylov.jl’s internal storage expects an AbstractVector
, which can benefit from a structured data layout. A HaloVector
provides this structure, using halo regions to enable finite difference stencils without boundary condition checks. The OffsetArray
type from OffsetArrays.jl facilitates custom indexing, making it ideal for grids with halo regions. By embedding an OffsetArray
within HaloVector
, we achieve seamless grid alignment, allowing "if-less" stencil application.
This setup reduces boundary condition checks in the core loop, yielding clearer and faster code. The flexible design of HaloVector
supports 1D, 2D, or 3D configurations, adapting easily to different grid layouts.
Definition and usage of the HaloVector
is a specialized vector for grid-based computations, especially finite difference methods with halo regions. It is parameterized by:
: The element type of the vector.D
: The data array type, which usesOffsetArray
to enable custom indexing.
using OffsetArrays
struct HaloVector{FC, D} <: AbstractVector{FC}
function HaloVector(data::D) where {D}
FC = eltype(data)
return new{FC, D}(data)
function Base.similar(v::HaloVector)
data = similar(
return HaloVector(data)
function Base.length(v::HaloVector)
m, n = size(
l = (m - 2) * (n - 2)
return l
function Base.size(v::HaloVector)
l = length(v)
return (l,)
function Base.getindex(v::HaloVector, idx)
m, n = size(
row = div(idx - 1, n - 2) + 1
col = mod(idx - 1, n - 2) + 1
return[row, col]
The functions similar
and length
are mandatory and must be implemented for custom vector types. The functions size
and getindex
support REPL display, aiding interaction, though they are optional for Krylov.jl’s functionality.
Efficient stencil implementation
Using HaloVector
with OffsetArray
, we can apply the discrete Laplacian operator in a matrix-free approach with a 5-point stencil, managing halo regions effectively. This layout allows clean and efficient Laplacian computation without boundary checks within the core loop.
using LinearAlgebra
# Define a matrix-free Laplacian operator
struct LaplacianOperator
Nx::Int # Number of grid points in the x-direction
Ny::Int # Number of grid points in the y-direction
Δx::Float64 # Grid spacing in the x-direction
Δy::Float64 # Grid spacing in the y-direction
# Define size and element type for the operator
Base.size(A::LaplacianOperator) = (A.Nx * A.Ny, A.Nx * A.Ny)
Base.eltype(A::LaplacianOperator) = Float64
function LinearAlgebra.mul!(y::HaloVector{Float64}, A::LaplacianOperator, u::HaloVector{Float64})
# Apply the discrete Laplacian in 2D
for i in 1:A.Nx
for j in 1:A.Ny
# Calculate second derivatives using finite differences
dx2 = ([i-1,j] - 2 *[i,j] +[i+1,j]) / (A.Δx)^2
dy2 = ([i,j-1] - 2 *[i,j] +[i,j+1]) / (A.Δy)^2
# Update the output vector with the Laplacian result[i,j] = dx2 + dy2
return y
Methods to overload for compatibility with Krylov.jl
To integrate HaloVector
with Krylov.jl, we define essential vector operations, including dot products, norms, scalar multiplication, and element-wise updates. These implementations allow Krylov.jl to leverage custom vector types, enhancing both solver flexibility and performance.
using Krylov
import Krylov.FloatOrComplex
function Krylov.kdot(n::Integer, x::HaloVector{T}, y::HaloVector{T}) where T <: FloatOrComplex
mx, nx = size(
_x =
_y =
res = zero(T)
for i = 1:mx-1
for j = 1:nx-1
res += _x[i,j] * _y[i,j]
return res
function Krylov.knorm(n::Integer, x::HaloVector{T}) where T <: FloatOrComplex
mx, nx = size(
_x =
res = zero(T)
for i = 1:mx-1
for j = 1:nx-1
res += _x[i,j]^2
return sqrt(res)
function Krylov.kscal!(n::Integer, s::T, x::HaloVector{T}) where T <: FloatOrComplex
mx, nx = size(
_x =
for i = 1:mx-1
for j = 1:nx-1
_x[i,j] = s * _x[i,j]
return x
function Krylov.kaxpy!(n::Integer, s::T, x::HaloVector{T}, y::HaloVector{T}) where T <: FloatOrComplex
mx, nx = size(
_x =
_y =
for i = 1:mx-1
for j = 1:nx-1
_y[i,j] += s * _x[i,j]
return y
function Krylov.kaxpby!(n::Integer, s::T, x::HaloVector{T}, t::T, y::HaloVector{T}) where T <: FloatOrComplex
mx, nx = size(
_x =
_y =
for i = 1:mx-1
for j = 1:nx-1
_y[i,j] = s * _x[i,j] + t * _y[i,j]
return y
function Krylov.kcopy!(n::Integer, y::HaloVector{T}, x::HaloVector{T}) where T <: FloatOrComplex
mx, nx = size(
_x =
_y =
for i = 1:mx-1
for j = 1:nx-1
_y[i,j] = _x[i,j]
return y
function Krylov.kfill!(x::HaloVector{T}, val::T) where T <: FloatOrComplex
mx, nx = size(
_x =
for i = 1:mx-1
for j = 1:nx-1
_x[i,j] = val
return x
function Krylov.kref!(n::Integer, x::HaloVector{T}, y::HaloVector{T}, c::T, s::T) where T <: FloatOrComplex
mx, nx = size(
_x =
_y =
for i = 1:mx-1
for j = 1:nx-1
x_ij = _x[i,j]
y_ij = _y[i,j]
_x[i,j] = c * x_ij + s * y_ij
_y[i,j] = conj(s) * x_ij - c * y_ij
return x, y
Note that Krylov.kref!
is only required for minres_qlp
2D Poisson equation solver with Krylov methods
using Krylov, OffsetArrays
# Parameters
L = 1.0 # Length of the square domain
Nx = 200 # Number of interior grid points in x
Ny = 200 # Number of interior grid points in y
Δx = L / (Nx + 1) # Grid spacing in x
Δy = L / (Ny + 1) # Grid spacing in y
# Define the source term f(x,y)
f(x,y) = -2 * π * π * sin(π * x) * sin(π * y)
# Create the matrix-free Laplacian operator
A = LaplacianOperator(Nx, Ny, Δx, Δy)
# Create the right-hand side
rhs = zeros(Float64, Nx+2, Ny+2)
data = OffsetArray(rhs, 0:Nx+1, 0:Ny+1)
for i in 1:Nx
for j in 1:Ny
xi = i * Δx
yj = j * Δy
data[i,j] = f(xi, yj)
b = HaloVector(data)
# Allocate the workspace
kc = KrylovConstructor(b)
solver = CgSolver(kc)
# Solve the system with CG!(solver, A, b, atol=1e-12, rtol=0.0, verbose=1)
u_sol = solution(solver)
stats = statistics(solver)
niter: 80000
solved: false
inconsistent: false
residuals: []
Aresiduals: []
κ₂(A): []
timer: 26.26s
status: maximum number of iterations exceeded
# The exact solution is u(x,y) = sin(πx) * sin(πy)
u_star = [sin(π * i * Δx) * sin(π * j * Δy) for i=1:Nx, j=1:Ny]
norm([1:Nx, 1:Ny] - u_star, Inf)
Only the in-place version of the Krylov methods is supported for custom vector types.
Implementing a 2D Poisson equation solver with HaloVector
improves code clarity and efficiency. Custom indexing with OffsetArray
streamlines halo region management, eliminating boundary checks within the core loop. This approach reduces branching, yielding faster execution, especially on large grids. HaloVector
's flexibility also makes it easy to extend to 3D grids or more complex stencils.
Oceananigans.jl uses a similar strategy with its Field
type, efficiently solving large linear systems with Krylov.jl.
Solving saddle point systems with BlockArrays.jl and Krylov.jl
BlockArrays.jl simplifies working with structured matrices, making it an ideal tool for solving saddle point systems. In this example, we solve a structured linear system $Ax = b$ of the form:
\[\begin{bmatrix} K & B^T \\ B & 0 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} y \\ z \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} c \\ d \end{bmatrix}.\]
We first define the matrix $A$ and the vector $b$ using BlockArrays.jl
using LinearAlgebra
using BlockArrays
nK = 10
nB = 2
K = rand(nK, nK)
K = K * K' + I
B = rand(nB, nK)
c = rand(nK)
d = rand(nB)
# Create the saddle point matrix A
A = BlockArray{Float64}(undef, [nK, nB], [nK, nB])
A[Block(1, 1)] = K
A[Block(1, 2)] = B'
A[Block(2, 1)] = B
A[Block(2, 2)] = zeros(nB, nB)
# Create the right-hand side vector b
b = BlockVector{Float64}(undef, [nK, nB])
b[Block(1)] = c
b[Block(2)] = d
For saddle point systems, a well-known preconditioner is the "ideal preconditioner'' $P^{-1}$, as described in the paper "A Note on Preconditioning for Indefinite Linear Systems". It is defined as:
\[P^{-1} = \begin{bmatrix} K^{-1} & 0 \\ 0 & (B K^{-1} B^T)^{-1} \end{bmatrix}.\]
This preconditioner guarantees convergence in exactly three iterations, as $P^{-1}A$ has only three distinct eigenvalues. However, this preconditioner is expensive, as it requires $K^{-1}$ and the inverse of the Schur complement $B K^{-1} B^T$. One common approach is to replace $K^{-1}$ with $\mathrm{diag}(K)^{-1}$, creating a cheaper preconditioner.
struct IdealPreconditioner{T1, T2}
function LinearAlgebra.mul!(y::BlockVector, P::IdealPreconditioner, x::BlockVector)
mul!(y.blocks[1], P.BD1, x.blocks[1])
mul!(y.blocks[2], P.BD2, x.blocks[2])
return y
# Create the ideal preconditioner
BD1 = inv(K)
BD2 = inv(B * BD1 * B')
P = IdealPreconditioner(BD1, BD2)
We now solve the system $Ax = b$ using minres
with our preconditioner:
using Krylov
kc = KrylovConstructor(b)
solver = MinresSolver(kc)
minres!(solver, A, b; M=P)
x = solution(solver)
stats = statistics(solver)
niter = stats.niter
This example demonstrates how BlockArrays.jl
and Krylov.jl
can be effectively combined to solve structured saddle point systems.