using Krylov, LinearOperators
using LinearAlgebra, Printf, SparseArrays
# Identity matrix.
eye(n::Int) = sparse(1.0 * I, n, n)
# Symmetric quasi-definite systems and variants
n = m = 5
A = [2^(i/j)*j + (-1)^(i-j) * n*(i-1) for i = 1:n, j = 1:n]
b = ones(n)
M = diagm(0 => [3.0 * i for i = 1:n])
N = diagm(0 => [5.0 * i for i = 1:n])
c = -b
# [I A] [x] = [b]
# [Aᴴ -I] [y] [c]
(x, y, stats) = tricg(A, b, c)
K = [eye(m) A; A' -eye(n)]
B = [b; c]
r = B - K * [x; y]
resid = norm(r)
@printf("TriCG: Relative residual: %8.1e\n", resid)
# [-I A] [x] = [b]
# [ Aᴴ I] [y] [c]
(x, y, stats) = tricg(A, b, c, flip=true)
K = [-eye(m) A; A' eye(n)]
B = [b; c]
r = B - K * [x; y]
resid = norm(r)
@printf("TriCG: Relative residual: %8.1e\n", resid)
# [I A] [x] = [b]
# [Aᴴ I] [y] [c]
(x, y, stats) = tricg(A, b, c, spd=true)
K = [eye(m) A; A' eye(n)]
B = [b; c]
r = B - K * [x; y]
resid = norm(r)
@printf("TriCG: Relative residual: %8.1e\n", resid)
# [-I A] [x] = [b]
# [ Aᴴ -I] [y] [c]
(x, y, stats) = tricg(A, b, c, snd=true)
K = [-eye(m) A; A' -eye(n)]
B = [b; c]
r = B - K * [x; y]
resid = norm(r)
@printf("TriCG: Relative residual: %8.1e\n", resid)
# [τI A] [x] = [b]
# [ Aᴴ νI] [y] [c]
(τ, ν) = (1e-4, 1e2)
(x, y, stats) = tricg(A, b, c, τ=τ, ν=ν)
K = [τ*eye(m) A; A' ν*eye(n)]
B = [b; c]
r = B - K * [x; y]
resid = norm(r)
@printf("TriCG: Relative residual: %8.1e\n", resid)
# [M⁻¹ A ] [x] = [b]
# [Aᴴ -N⁻¹] [y] [c]
(x, y, stats) = tricg(A, b, c, M=M, N=N, verbose=1)
K = [inv(M) A; A' -inv(N)]
H = BlockDiagonalOperator(M, N)
B = [b; c]
r = B - K * [x; y]
resid = sqrt(dot(r, H * r))
@printf("TriCG: Relative residual: %8.1e\n", resid)
TriCG: Relative residual: 2.7e-11
TriCG: Relative residual: 7.8e-12
TriCG: Relative residual: 1.2e-11
TriCG: Relative residual: 4.1e-11
TriCG: Relative residual: 7.0e-10
TriCG: system of 10 equations in 10 variables
k ‖rₖ‖ βₖ₊₁ γₖ₊₁ timer
0 1.1e+01 6.7e+00 8.7e+00 0.31s
1 5.8e+00 2.6e+02 3.0e+02 0.45s
2 2.5e+00 2.9e+02 2.2e+02 0.45s
3 1.2e+00 2.4e+01 5.5e+01 0.45s
4 1.9e-01 3.4e-01 8.1e-01 0.45s
5 1.2e-08 6.7e-08 7.7e-08 0.45s
TriCG: Relative residual: 1.2e-08