(x, stats) = symmlq(A, b::AbstractVector{FC};
                    M=I, ldiv::Bool=false, window::Int=5,
                    transfer_to_cg::Bool=true, λ::T=zero(T),
                    λest::T=zero(T), etol::T=√eps(T),
                    conlim::T=1/√eps(T), atol::T=√eps(T),
                    rtol::T=√eps(T), itmax::Int=0,
                    timemax::Float64=Inf, verbose::Int=0, history::Bool=false,
                    callback=solver->false, iostream::IO=kstdout)

T is an AbstractFloat such as Float32, Float64 or BigFloat. FC is T or Complex{T}.

(x, stats) = symmlq(A, b, x0::AbstractVector; kwargs...)

SYMMLQ can be warm-started from an initial guess x0 where kwargs are the same keyword arguments as above

Solve the shifted linear system

(A + λI) x = b

of size n using the SYMMLQ method, where λ is a shift parameter, and A is Hermitian.

SYMMLQ produces monotonic errors ‖x* - x‖₂.

Input arguments

  • A: a linear operator that models a Hermitian matrix of dimension n;
  • b: a vector of length n.

Optional argument

  • x0: a vector of length n that represents an initial guess of the solution x.

Keyword arguments

  • M: linear operator that models a Hermitian positive-definite matrix of size n used for centered preconditioning;
  • ldiv: define whether the preconditioner uses ldiv! or mul!;
  • window: number of iterations used to accumulate a lower bound on the error;
  • transfer_to_cg: transfer from the SYMMLQ point to the CG point, when it exists. The transfer is based on the residual norm;
  • λ: regularization parameter;
  • λest: positive strict lower bound on the smallest eigenvalue λₘᵢₙ when solving a positive-definite system, such as λest = (1-10⁻⁷)λₘᵢₙ;
  • atol: absolute stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;
  • rtol: relative stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;
  • etol: stopping tolerance based on the lower bound on the error;
  • conlim: limit on the estimated condition number of A beyond which the solution will be abandoned;
  • itmax: the maximum number of iterations. If itmax=0, the default number of iterations is set to 2n;
  • timemax: the time limit in seconds;
  • verbose: additional details can be displayed if verbose mode is enabled (verbose > 0). Information will be displayed every verbose iterations;
  • history: collect additional statistics on the run such as residual norms, or Aᴴ-residual norms;
  • callback: function or functor called as callback(solver) that returns true if the Krylov method should terminate, and false otherwise;
  • iostream: stream to which output is logged.

Output arguments

  • x: a dense vector of length n;
  • stats: statistics collected on the run in a SymmlqStats structure.


solver = symmlq!(solver::SymmlqSolver, A, b; kwargs...)
solver = symmlq!(solver::SymmlqSolver, A, b, x0; kwargs...)

where kwargs are keyword arguments of symmlq.

See SymmlqSolver for more details about the solver.



(x, stats) = minres(A, b::AbstractVector{FC};
                    M=I, ldiv::Bool=false, window::Int=5,
                    λ::T=zero(T), atol::T=√eps(T),
                    rtol::T=√eps(T), etol::T=√eps(T),
                    conlim::T=1/√eps(T), itmax::Int=0,
                    timemax::Float64=Inf, verbose::Int=0, history::Bool=false,
                    callback=solver->false, iostream::IO=kstdout)

T is an AbstractFloat such as Float32, Float64 or BigFloat. FC is T or Complex{T}.

(x, stats) = minres(A, b, x0::AbstractVector; kwargs...)

MINRES can be warm-started from an initial guess x0 where kwargs are the same keyword arguments as above.

Solve the shifted linear least-squares problem

minimize ‖b - (A + λI)x‖₂²

or the shifted linear system

(A + λI) x = b

of size n using the MINRES method, where λ ≥ 0 is a shift parameter, where A is Hermitian.

MINRES is formally equivalent to applying CR to Ax=b when A is positive definite, but is typically more stable and also applies to the case where A is indefinite.

MINRES produces monotonic residuals ‖r‖₂ and optimality residuals ‖Aᴴr‖₂.

Input arguments

  • A: a linear operator that models a Hermitian matrix of dimension n;
  • b: a vector of length n.

Optional argument

  • x0: a vector of length n that represents an initial guess of the solution x.

Keyword arguments

  • M: linear operator that models a Hermitian positive-definite matrix of size n used for centered preconditioning;
  • ldiv: define whether the preconditioner uses ldiv! or mul!;
  • window: number of iterations used to accumulate a lower bound on the error;
  • λ: regularization parameter;
  • atol: absolute stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;
  • rtol: relative stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;
  • etol: stopping tolerance based on the lower bound on the error;
  • conlim: limit on the estimated condition number of A beyond which the solution will be abandoned;
  • itmax: the maximum number of iterations. If itmax=0, the default number of iterations is set to 2n;
  • timemax: the time limit in seconds;
  • verbose: additional details can be displayed if verbose mode is enabled (verbose > 0). Information will be displayed every verbose iterations;
  • history: collect additional statistics on the run such as residual norms, or Aᴴ-residual norms;
  • callback: function or functor called as callback(solver) that returns true if the Krylov method should terminate, and false otherwise;
  • iostream: stream to which output is logged.

Output arguments

  • x: a dense vector of length n;
  • stats: statistics collected on the run in a SimpleStats structure.


solver = minres!(solver::MinresSolver, A, b; kwargs...)
solver = minres!(solver::MinresSolver, A, b, x0; kwargs...)

where kwargs are keyword arguments of minres.

See MinresSolver for more details about the solver.



(x, stats) = minres_qlp(A, b::AbstractVector{FC};
                        M=I, ldiv::Bool=false, Artol::T=√eps(T),
                        λ::T=zero(T), atol::T=√eps(T),
                        rtol::T=√eps(T), itmax::Int=0,
                        timemax::Float64=Inf, verbose::Int=0, history::Bool=false,
                        callback=solver->false, iostream::IO=kstdout)

T is an AbstractFloat such as Float32, Float64 or BigFloat. FC is T or Complex{T}.

(x, stats) = minres_qlp(A, b, x0::AbstractVector; kwargs...)

MINRES-QLP can be warm-started from an initial guess x0 where kwargs are the same keyword arguments as above.

MINRES-QLP is the only method based on the Lanczos process that returns the minimum-norm solution on singular inconsistent systems (A + λI)x = b of size n, where λ is a shift parameter. It is significantly more complex but can be more reliable than MINRES when A is ill-conditioned.

M also indicates the weighted norm in which residuals are measured.

Input arguments

  • A: a linear operator that models a Hermitian matrix of dimension n;
  • b: a vector of length n.

Optional argument

  • x0: a vector of length n that represents an initial guess of the solution x.

Keyword arguments

  • M: linear operator that models a Hermitian positive-definite matrix of size n used for centered preconditioning;
  • ldiv: define whether the preconditioner uses ldiv! or mul!;
  • λ: regularization parameter;
  • atol: absolute stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;
  • rtol: relative stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;
  • Artol: relative stopping tolerance based on the Aᴴ-residual norm;
  • itmax: the maximum number of iterations. If itmax=0, the default number of iterations is set to 2n;
  • timemax: the time limit in seconds;
  • verbose: additional details can be displayed if verbose mode is enabled (verbose > 0). Information will be displayed every verbose iterations;
  • history: collect additional statistics on the run such as residual norms, or Aᴴ-residual norms;
  • callback: function or functor called as callback(solver) that returns true if the Krylov method should terminate, and false otherwise;
  • iostream: stream to which output is logged.

Output arguments

  • x: a dense vector of length n;
  • stats: statistics collected on the run in a SimpleStats structure.


solver = minres_qlp!(solver::MinresQlpSolver, A, b; kwargs...)
solver = minres_qlp!(solver::MinresQlpSolver, A, b, x0; kwargs...)

where kwargs are keyword arguments of minres_qlp.

See MinresQlpSolver for more details about the solver.



(x, stats) = minares(A, b::AbstractVector{FC};
                     M=I, ldiv::Bool=false,
                     λ::T = zero(T), atol::T=√eps(T),
                     rtol::T=√eps(T), Artol::T = √eps(T),
                     itmax::Int=0, timemax::Float64=Inf,
                     verbose::Int=0, history::Bool=false,
                     callback=solver->false, iostream::IO=kstdout)

T is an AbstractFloat such as Float32, Float64 or BigFloat. FC is T or Complex{T}.

(x, stats) = minares(A, b, x0::AbstractVector; kwargs...)

MINARES can be warm-started from an initial guess x0 where kwargs are the same keyword arguments as above.

MINARES solves the Hermitian linear system Ax = b of size n. MINARES minimizes ‖Arₖ‖₂ when M = Iₙ and ‖AMrₖ‖M otherwise. The estimates computed every iteration are ‖Mrₖ‖₂ and ‖AMrₖ‖M.

Input arguments

  • A: a linear operator that models a Hermitian positive definite matrix of dimension n;
  • b: a vector of length n.

Optional argument

  • x0: a vector of length n that represents an initial guess of the solution x.

Keyword arguments

  • M: linear operator that models a Hermitian positive-definite matrix of size n used for centered preconditioning;
  • ldiv: define whether the preconditioner uses ldiv! or mul!;
  • λ: regularization parameter;
  • atol: absolute stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;
  • rtol: relative stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;
  • Artol: relative stopping tolerance based on the Aᴴ-residual norm;
  • itmax: the maximum number of iterations. If itmax=0, the default number of iterations is set to 2n;
  • timemax: the time limit in seconds;
  • verbose: additional details can be displayed if verbose mode is enabled (verbose > 0). Information will be displayed every verbose iterations;
  • history: collect additional statistics on the run such as residual norms, or Aᴴ-residual norms;
  • callback: function or functor called as callback(solver) that returns true if the Krylov method should terminate, and false otherwise;
  • iostream: stream to which output is logged.

Output arguments

  • x: a dense vector of length n;
  • stats: statistics collected on the run in a SimpleStats structure.


solver = minares!(solver::MinaresSolver, A, b; kwargs...)
solver = minares!(solver::MinaresSolver, A, b, x0; kwargs...)

where kwargs are keyword arguments of minares.

See MinaresSolver for more details about the solver.
