The following is a list of packages implementing the NLPModels API.
If you want your package listed here, open a Pull Request.
If you want to create your own interface, check these Guidelines.
- NLPModelsModifiers.jl: Models that modify existing models. For instance, creating slack variables, or moving constraints into the objective functions, or using Quasi-Newton LBFSG approximations to the Hessian.
- ADNLPModels.jl: Models with automatic differentiation.
- CUTEst.jl: For problems from CUTEst.
- AmplNLReader.jl: For problems modeled using AMPL
- NLPModelsJuMP.jl: For problems modeled using JuMP.jl.
- QuadraticModels.jl: For problems with linear constraints and a quadratic objective (LCQP).
- LLSModels.jl: Creates a linear least squares model.
- PDENLPModels.jl: For PDE-constrained problems.
- BlockNLPModels.jl: For modeling block structured nonlinear optimization problems.