stats = ripqp(QM :: QuadraticModel{T0};
              itol = InputTol(T0), scaling = true, ps = true,
              normalize_rtol = true, kc = 0, mode = :mono, perturb = false,
              early_multi_stop = true,
              sp = (mode == :mono) ? K2LDLParams{T0}() : K2LDLParams{Float32}(),
              sp2 = nothing, sp3 = nothing, 
              solve_method = PC(), 
              history = false, w = SystemWrite(), display = true) where {T0<:Real}

Minimize a convex quadratic problem. Algorithm stops when the criteria in pdd, rb, and rc are valid. Returns a GenericExecutionStats containing information about the solved problem.

  • QM :: QuadraticModel: problem to solve
  • itol :: InputTol{T, Int} input Tolerances for the stopping criteria. See RipQP.InputTol.
  • scaling :: Bool: activate/deactivate scaling of A and Q in QM
  • ps :: Bool : activate/deactivate presolve
  • normalize_rtol :: Bool = true : if true, the primal and dual tolerance for the stopping criteria are normalized by the initial primal and dual residuals
  • kc :: Int: number of centrality corrections (set to -1 for automatic computation)
  • perturb :: Bool : activate / deativate perturbation of the current point when μ is too small
  • mode :: Symbol: should be :mono to use the mono-precision mode, :multi to use the multi-precision mode (start in single precision and gradually transitions to T0), :zoom to use the zoom procedure, :multizoom to use the zoom procedure with multi-precision, ref to use the QP refinement procedure, or multiref to use the QP refinement procedure with multi_precision
  • early_multi_stop :: Bool : stop the iterations in lower precision systems earlier in multi-precision mode, based on some quantities of the algorithm
  • sp :: SolverParams : choose a solver to solve linear systems that occurs at each iteration and during the initialization, see RipQP.SolverParams
  • sp2 :: Union{Nothing, SolverParams} and sp3 :: Union{Nothing, SolverParams} : choose second and third solvers to solve linear systems that occurs at each iteration in the second and third solving phase. When mode != :mono, leave to nothing if you want to keep using sp. If sp2 is not nothing, then mode should be set to :multi, :multiref or multizoom.
  • solve_method :: SolveMethod : method used to solve the system at each iteration, use solve_method = PC() to use the Predictor-Corrector algorithm (default), and use solve_method = IPF() to use the Infeasible Path Following algorithm. solve_method2 :: Union{Nothing, SolveMethod} and solve_method3 :: Union{Nothing, SolveMethod} should be used with sp2 and sp3 to choose their respective solve method. If they are nothing, then the solve method used is solve_method.
  • history :: Bool : set to true to return the primal and dual norm histories, the primal-dual relative difference history, and the number of products if using a Krylov method in the solver_specific field of the GenericExecutionStats
  • w :: SystemWrite: configure writing of the systems to solve (no writing is done by default), see RipQP.SystemWrite
  • display::Bool: activate/deactivate iteration data display

You can also use ripqp to solve a LLSModel:

stats = ripqp(LLS::LLSModel{T0}; mode = :mono,
              sp = (mode == :mono) ? K2LDLParams{T0}() : K2LDLParams{Float32}(), 
              kwargs...) where {T0 <: Real}

Input Types


Type to specify the tolerances used by RipQP.

  • max_iter :: Int: maximum number of iterations
  • ϵ_pdd: relative primal-dual difference tolerance
  • ϵ_rb: primal tolerance
  • ϵ_rc: dual tolerance
  • max_iter1, ϵ_pdd1, ϵ_rb1, ϵ_rc1: same as max_iter, ϵ_pdd, ϵ_rb and ϵ_rc, but used for switching from sp1 to sp2 (or from single to double precision if sp2 is nothing). They are only usefull when mode=:multi
  • max_iter2, ϵ_pdd2, ϵ_rb2, ϵ_rc2: same as max_iter, ϵ_pdd, ϵ_rb and ϵ_rc, but used for switching from sp2 to sp3 (or from double to quadruple precision if sp3 is nothing). They are only usefull when mode=:multi and/or T0=Float128
  • ϵ_rbz : primal transition tolerance for the zoom procedure, (used only if refinement=:zoom)
  • ϵ_Δx: step tolerance for the current point estimate (note: this criterion is currently disabled)
  • ϵ_μ: duality measure tolerance (note: this criterion is currently disabled)
  • max_time: maximum time to solve the QP

The constructor

itol = InputTol(::Type{T};
                max_iter :: I = 200, max_iter1 :: I = 40, max_iter2 :: I = 180, 
                ϵ_pdd :: T = 1e-8, ϵ_pdd1 :: T = 1e-2, ϵ_pdd2 :: T = 1e-4, 
                ϵ_rb :: T = 1e-6, ϵ_rb1 :: T = 1e-4, ϵ_rb2 :: T = 1e-5, ϵ_rbz :: T = 1e-3,
                ϵ_rc :: T = 1e-6, ϵ_rc1 :: T = 1e-4, ϵ_rc2 :: T = 1e-5,
                ϵ_Δx :: T = 1e-16, ϵ_μ :: T = 1e-9) where {T<:Real, I<:Integer}

InputTol(; kwargs...) = InputTol(Float64; kwargs...)

returns a InputTol struct that initializes the stopping criteria for RipQP. The 1 and 2 characters refer to the transitions between the chosen solvers in :multi. If sp2 and sp3 are not precised when calling RipQP.ripqp, they refer to transitions between floating-point systems.


Type to write the matrix (.mtx format) and the right hand side (.rhs format) of the system to solve at each iteration.

  • write::Bool: activate/deactivate writing of the system
  • name::String: name of the sytem to solve
  • kfirst::Int: first iteration where a system should be written
  • kgap::Int: iteration gap between two problem writings

The constructor

SystemWrite(; write = false, name = "", kfirst = 0, kgap = 1)

returns a SystemWrite structure that should be used to tell RipQP to save the system. See the tutorial for more information.




Abstract type for tuning the parameters of the different solvers. Each solver has its own SolverParams type.


Type to use the K2 formulation with a LDLᵀ factorization. The package LDLFactorizations.jl is used by default. The outer constructor

sp = K2LDLParams(; fact_alg = LDLFact(regul = :classic),
                 ρ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5, δ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5,
                 ρ_min = sqrt(eps()), δ_min = sqrt(eps()),
                 safety_dist_bnd = true)

creates a RipQP.SolverParams. regul = :dynamic uses a dynamic regularization (the regularization is only added if the LDLᵀ factorization encounters a pivot that has a small magnitude). regul = :none uses no regularization (not recommended). When regul = :classic, the parameters ρ0 and δ0 are used to choose the initial regularization values. fact_alg should be a RipQP.AbstractFactorization. safety_dist_bnd = true: boolean used to determine if the regularization values should be updated (or if the algorithm should transition to another solver in multi mode) if the variables are too close from their bound.


Type to use the K2.5 formulation with a LDLᵀ factorization. The package LDLFactorizations.jl is used by default. The outer constructor

sp = K2_5LDLParams(; fact_alg = LDLFact(regul = :classic), ρ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5, δ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5)

creates a RipQP.SolverParams. regul = :dynamic uses a dynamic regularization (the regularization is only added if the LDLᵀ factorization encounters a pivot that has a small magnitude). regul = :none uses no regularization (not recommended). When regul = :classic, the parameters ρ0 and δ0 are used to choose the initial regularization values. fact_alg should be a RipQP.AbstractFactorization.


Type to use the K2 formulation with a Krylov method, using the package Krylov.jl. The outer constructor

K2KrylovParams(; uplo = :L, kmethod = :minres, preconditioner = Identity(),
               rhs_scale = true, form_mat = false, equilibrate = false,
               atol0 = 1.0e-4, rtol0 = 1.0e-4, 
               atol_min = 1.0e-10, rtol_min = 1.0e-10,
               ρ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5, δ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5, 
               ρ_min = 1e2 * sqrt(eps()), δ_min = 1e2 * sqrt(eps()),
               itmax = 0, memory = 20)

creates a RipQP.SolverParams.


Type to use the K2.5 formulation with a Krylov method, using the package Krylov.jl. The outer constructor

K2_5KrylovParams(; uplo = :L, kmethod = :minres, preconditioner = Identity(),
                 rhs_scale = true,
                 atol0 = 1.0e-4, rtol0 = 1.0e-4, 
                 atol_min = 1.0e-10, rtol_min = 1.0e-10,
                 ρ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5, δ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5, 
                 ρ_min = 1e2 * sqrt(eps()), δ_min = 1e2 * sqrt(eps()),
                 itmax = 0, mem = 20)

creates a RipQP.SolverParams. The available methods are:

  • :minres
  • :minres_qlp
  • :symmlq

Type to use the K2 formulation with a structured Krylov method, using the package Krylov.jl. This only works for solving Linear Problems. The outer constructor

K2StructuredParams(; uplo = :L, kmethod = :trimr, rhs_scale = true, 
                   atol0 = 1.0e-4, rtol0 = 1.0e-4,
                   atol_min = 1.0e-10, rtol_min = 1.0e-10, 
                   ρ_min = 1e2 * sqrt(eps()), δ_min = 1e2 * sqrt(eps()),
                   itmax = 0, mem = 20)

creates a RipQP.SolverParams. The available methods are:

  • :tricg
  • :trimr
  • :gpmr

The mem argument sould be used only with gpmr.


Type to use the K2.5 formulation with a structured Krylov method, using the package Krylov.jl. This only works for solving Linear Problems. The outer constructor

K2_5StructuredParams(; uplo = :L, kmethod = :trimr, rhs_scale = true,
                     atol0 = 1.0e-4, rtol0 = 1.0e-4,
                     atol_min = 1.0e-10, rtol_min = 1.0e-10,
                     ρ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5, δ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5,
                     ρ_min = 1e2 * sqrt(eps()), δ_min = 1e2 * sqrt(eps()),
                     itmax = 0, mem = 20)

creates a RipQP.SolverParams. The available methods are:

  • :tricg
  • :trimr
  • :gpmr

The mem argument sould be used only with gpmr.


Type to use the K3 formulation with a Krylov method, using the package Krylov.jl. The outer constructor

K3KrylovParams(; uplo = :L, kmethod = :qmr, preconditioner = Identity(),
               rhs_scale = true,
               atol0 = 1.0e-4, rtol0 = 1.0e-4,
               atol_min = 1.0e-10, rtol_min = 1.0e-10,
               ρ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5, δ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5,
               ρ_min = 1e3 * sqrt(eps()), δ_min = 1e4 * sqrt(eps()),
               itmax = 0, mem = 20)

creates a RipQP.SolverParams. The available methods are:

  • :qmr
  • :bicgstab
  • :usymqr

Type to use the K3S formulation with a Krylov method, using the package Krylov.jl. The outer constructor

K3SKrylovParams(; uplo = :L, kmethod = :minres, preconditioner = Identity(),
                 rhs_scale = true,
                 atol0 = 1.0e-4, rtol0 = 1.0e-4,
                 atol_min = 1.0e-10, rtol_min = 1.0e-10,
                 ρ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5, δ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5,
                 ρ_min = 1e3 * sqrt(eps()), δ_min = 1e4 * sqrt(eps()),
                 itmax = 0, mem = 20)

creates a RipQP.SolverParams. The available methods are:

  • :minres
  • :minres_qlp
  • :symmlq

Type to use the K3S formulation with a Krylov method, using the package Krylov.jl. The outer constructor

K3SStructuredParams(; uplo = :U, kmethod = :trimr, rhs_scale = true,
                     atol0 = 1.0e-4, rtol0 = 1.0e-4, 
                     atol_min = 1.0e-10, rtol_min = 1.0e-10,
                     ρ0 =  sqrt(eps()) * 1e3, δ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e4,
                     ρ_min = 1e4 * sqrt(eps()), δ_min = 1e4 * sqrt(eps()),
                     itmax = 0, mem = 20)

creates a RipQP.SolverParams. The available methods are:

  • :tricg
  • :trimr
  • :gpmr

The mem argument sould be used only with gpmr.


Type to use the K3.5 formulation with a Krylov method, using the package Krylov.jl. The outer constructor

K3_5KrylovParams(; uplo = :L, kmethod = :minres, preconditioner = Identity(),
                 rhs_scale = true,
                 atol0 = 1.0e-4, rtol0 = 1.0e-4,
                 atol_min = 1.0e-10, rtol_min = 1.0e-10,
                 ρ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5, δ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5,
                 ρ_min = 1e3 * sqrt(eps()), δ_min = 1e4 * sqrt(eps()),
                 itmax = 0, mem = 20)

creates a RipQP.SolverParams. The available methods are:

  • :minres
  • :minres_qlp
  • :symmlq

Type to use the K3.5 formulation with a Krylov method, using the package Krylov.jl. The outer constructor

K3_5StructuredParams(; uplo = :U, kmethod = :trimr, rhs_scale = true,
                     atol0 = 1.0e-4, rtol0 = 1.0e-4, 
                     atol_min = 1.0e-10, rtol_min = 1.0e-10,
                     ρ0 =  sqrt(eps()) * 1e3, δ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e4,
                     ρ_min = 1e4 * sqrt(eps()), δ_min = 1e4 * sqrt(eps()),
                     itmax = 0, mem = 20)

creates a RipQP.SolverParams. The available methods are:

  • :tricg
  • :trimr
  • :gpmr

The mem argument sould be used only with gpmr.


Type to use the K1 formulation with a Cholesky factorization. The outer constructor

sp = K1CholParams(; fact_alg = LDLFact(regul = :classic),
                  ρ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5, δ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5,
                  ρ_min = sqrt(eps()), δ_min = sqrt(eps()))

creates a RipQP.SolverParams.


Type to use the K1 formulation with a Krylov method, using the package Krylov.jl. The outer constructor

K1KrylovParams(; uplo = :L, kmethod = :cg, preconditioner = Identity(),
               rhs_scale = true,
               atol0 = 1.0e-4, rtol0 = 1.0e-4, 
               atol_min = 1.0e-10, rtol_min = 1.0e-10,
               ρ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5, δ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5, 
               ρ_min = 1e2 * sqrt(eps()), δ_min = 1e2 * sqrt(eps()),
               itmax = 0, mem = 20)

creates a RipQP.SolverParams. The available methods are:

  • :cg
  • :cg_lanczos
  • :cr
  • :minres
  • :minres_qlp
  • :symmlq

Type to use the K1 formulation with a dense Cholesky factorization. The input QuadraticModel should have lcon .== ucon. The outer constructor

sp = K1CholDenseParams(; ρ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5, δ0 = sqrt(eps()) * 1e5)

creates a RipQP.SolverParams.


Type to use the K1.1 formulation with a structured Krylov method, using the package Krylov.jl. This only works for solving Linear Problems. The outer constructor

K1_1StructuredParams(; uplo = :L, kmethod = :lsqr, rhs_scale = true,
                     atol0 = 1.0e-4, rtol0 = 1.0e-4,
                     atol_min = 1.0e-10, rtol_min = 1.0e-10, 
                     ρ_min = 1e3 * sqrt(eps()), δ_min = 1e4 * sqrt(eps()),
                     itmax = 0, mem = 20)

creates a RipQP.SolverParams. The available methods are:

  • :lslq
  • :lsqr
  • :lsmr

Type to use the K1.2 formulation with a structured Krylov method, using the package Krylov.jl. This only works for solving Linear Problems. The outer constructor

K1_2StructuredParams(; uplo = :L, kmethod = :craig, rhs_scale = true,
                     atol0 = 1.0e-4, rtol0 = 1.0e-4,
                     atol_min = 1.0e-10, rtol_min = 1.0e-10, 
                     ρ_min = 1e3 * sqrt(eps()), δ_min = 1e4 * sqrt(eps()),
                     itmax = 0, mem = 20)

creates a RipQP.SolverParams. The available methods are:

  • :lnlq
  • :craig
  • :craigmr


preconditioner = LDL(; T = Float32, pos = :C, warm_start = true, fact_alg = LDLFact())

Preconditioner for K2KrylovParams using a LDL factorization in precision T. The pos argument is used to choose the type of preconditioning with an unsymmetric Krylov method. It can be :C (center), :L (left) or :R (right). The warm_start argument tells RipQP to solve the system with the LDL factorization before using the Krylov method with the LDLFactorization as a preconditioner. fact_alg should be a RipQP.AbstractFactorization.



fact_alg = CholmodFact(; regul = :classic)

Choose ldlt from Cholmod to compute factorizations. using SuiteSparse should be used before using RipQP.

fact_alg = QDLDLFact(; regul = :classic)

Choose QDLDL.jl to compute factorizations. using QDLDL should be used before using RipQP.

fact_alg = HSLMA57Fact(; regul = :classic)

Choose HSL.jl MA57 to compute factorizations. using HSL should be used before using RipQP.

fact_alg = HSLMA97Fact(; regul = :classic)

Choose HSL.jl MA57 to compute factorizations. using HSL should be used before using RipQP.
