Switching solvers
Solve method
By default, RipQP uses a predictor-corrector algorithm that solves two linear systems per interior-point iteration. This is efficient when using a factorization to solve the interior-point system. It is also possible to use an infeasible path-following algorithm, which is efficient when solving each system is more expensive (for example when using a Krylov method without preconditioner).
stats = ripqp(qm, solve_method = PC()) # predictor-corrector (default)
stats = ripqp(qm, solve_method = IPF()) # infeasible path-following
Choosing a solver
It is possible to choose different solvers to solve the interior-point system. All these solvers can be called with a structure that is a subtype of a RipQP.SolverParams
. The default solver is RipQP.K2LDLParams
There are a lot of solvers that are implemented using Krylov methods from Krylov.jl
. For example:
stats = ripqp(qm, sp = K2KrylovParams())
These solvers are usually less efficient, but they can be used with a preconditioner to improve the performances. All these preconditioners can be called with a structure that is a subtype of an AbstractPreconditioner
. By default, most Krylov solvers use the RipQP.Identity
preconditioner, but is possible to use for example a LDL factorization RipQP.LDL
. The Krylov method then acts as form of using iterative refinement to a LDL factorization of K2:
stats = ripqp(qm, sp = K2KrylovParams(uplo = :U, preconditioner = LDL()))
# uplo = :U is mandatory with this preconditioner
It is also possible to change the Krylov method used to solve the system:
stats = ripqp(qm, sp = K2KrylovParams(uplo = :U, kmethod = :gmres, preconditioner = LDL()))
Logging for Krylov Solver
Solvers using a Krylov method have two more log columns. The first one is the number of iterations to solve the interior-point system with the Krylov method, and the second one is a character indication the output status of the Krylov method. The different characters are 'u'
for user-requested exit (callback), 'i'
for maximum number of iterations exceeded, and 's'
Advanced: write your own solver
You can use your own solver to compute the direction of descent inside RipQP at each iteration. Here is a basic example using the package LDLFactorizations.jl
First, you will need a RipQP.SolverParams
to define parameters for your solver:
using RipQP, LinearAlgebra, LDLFactorizations, SparseArrays
struct K2basicLDLParams{T<:Real} <: SolverParams
uplo :: Symbol # mandatory, tells RipQP which triangle of the augmented system to store
ρ :: T # dual regularization
δ :: T # primal regularization
Then, you will have to create a type that allocates space for your solver, and a constructor using the following parameters:
mutable struct PreallocatedDataK2basic{T<:Real, S} <: RipQP.PreallocatedDataAugmented{T, S}
D :: S # temporary top-left diagonal of the K2 system
ρ :: T # dual regularization
δ :: T # primal regularization
K :: SparseMatrixCSC{T,Int} # K2 matrix
K_fact :: LDLFactorizations.LDLFactorization{T,Int,Int,Int} # factorized K2
Now you need to write a RipQP.PreallocatedData
function that returns your type:
function RipQP.PreallocatedData(sp :: SolverParams, fd :: RipQP.QM_FloatData{T},
id :: RipQP.QM_IntData, itd :: RipQP.IterData{T},
pt :: RipQP.Point{T},
iconf :: InputConfig{Tconf}) where {T<:Real, Tconf<:Real}
ρ, δ = T(sp.ρ), T(sp.δ)
K = spzeros(T, id.ncon+id.nvar, id.ncon + id.nvar)
K[1:id.nvar, 1:id.nvar] = .-fd.Q .- ρ .* Diagonal(ones(T, id.nvar))
# A = Aᵀ of the input QuadraticModel since we use the upper triangle:
K[1:id.nvar, id.nvar+1:end] = fd.A
K[diagind(K)[id.nvar+1:end]] .= δ
K_fact = ldl_analyze(Symmetric(K, :U))
@assert sp.uplo == :U # LDLFactorizations does not work with the lower triangle
K_fact = ldl_factorize!(Symmetric(K, :U), K_fact)
K_fact.__factorized = true
return PreallocatedDataK2basic(zeros(T, id.nvar),
K, #K
K_fact #K_fact
Then, you need to write a RipQP.update_pad!
function that will update the RipQP.PreallocatedData
struct before computing the direction of descent.
function RipQP.update_pad!(pad :: PreallocatedDataK2basic{T}, dda :: RipQP.DescentDirectionAllocs{T},
pt :: RipQP.Point{T}, itd :: RipQP.IterData{T},
fd :: RipQP.Abstract_QM_FloatData{T}, id :: RipQP.QM_IntData,
res :: RipQP.Residuals{T}, cnts :: RipQP.Counters) where {T<:Real}
# update the diagonal of K2
pad.D .= -pad.ρ
pad.D[id.ilow] .-= pt.s_l ./ itd.x_m_lvar
pad.D[id.iupp] .-= pt.s_u ./ itd.uvar_m_x
pad.D .-= fd.Q[diagind(fd.Q)]
pad.K[diagind(pad.K)[1:id.nvar]] = pad.D
pad.K[diagind(pad.K)[id.nvar+1:end]] .= pad.δ
# factorize K2
ldl_factorize!(Symmetric(pad.K, :U), pad.K_fact)
Finally, you need to write a RipQP.solver!
function that compute directions of descent. Note that this function solves in-place the linear system by overwriting the direction of descent. That is why the direction of descent dd
contains the right hand side of the linear system to solve.
function RipQP.solver!(dd :: AbstractVector{T}, pad :: PreallocatedDataK2basic{T},
dda :: RipQP.DescentDirectionAllocsPC{T}, pt :: RipQP.Point{T},
itd :: RipQP.IterData{T}, fd :: RipQP.Abstract_QM_FloatData{T},
id :: RipQP.QM_IntData, res :: RipQP.Residuals{T},
cnts :: RipQP.Counters, step :: Symbol) where {T<:Real}
ldiv!(pad.K_fact, dd)
return 0
Then, you can use your solver:
using QuadraticModels, QPSReader
qm = QuadraticModel(readqps("QAFIRO.SIF"))
stats1 = ripqp(qm, sp = K2basicLDLParams(:U, 1.0e-6, 1.0e-6))