JSO-compliant solvers

The following are JSO-compliance expectations and recommendations that are implemented in JuliaSmoothOptimizers.


  • Create a function solver_name(nlp::AbstractNLPModel; kwargs...) that returns a GenericExecutionStats.
  • Create a solver object SolverName <: SolverCore.AbstractOptimizationSolver.
  • Store all memory-allocating things inside this object. This includes vectors, matrices, and possibly other objects.
  • One of these objects should be solver.x, that stores the current iterate.
  • Implement a constructor SolverName(nlp; kwargs...).
  • Implement SolverCore.solve!(solver, nlp::AbstractNLPModel, stats::GenericExecutionStats) and change solver_name to create a SolverName object and call solve!.
  • Make sure that solve! is not allocating.
  • Accept the following keyword arguments (T is float type and V is the container type):
    • x::V = nlp.meta.x0: The starting point.
    • atol::T = sqrt(eps(T)): Absolute tolerance for the gradient. Use in conjunction with the relative tolerance below to check $\Vert \nabla f(x_k)\Vert \leq \epsilon_a + \epsilon_r\Vert \nabla f(x_0)\Vert$.
    • rtol::T = sqrt(eps(T)): Relative tolerance for the gradient. See atol above.
    • max_eval::Int = -1: Maximum number of objective function evaluation plus constraint function evaluations. Negative number means unlimited.
    • max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): Maximum number of iterations.
    • max_time::Float64 = 30.0: Maximum elapsed time.
    • verbose::Int = 0: Verbosity level. 0 means nothing and 1 means something. There are no rules on the level of verbosity yet.
    • callback = (nlp, solver, stats) -> nothing: A callback function to be called at the end of an iteration, before exit status are defined.
  • Use set_status! and get_status to update stats before starting the method loop, and at the end of every iteration.
  • Call the callback after running set_status! in both places.
  • Define done = stats.status != :unknown and loop with while !done.
  • To check for logic errors and stop the method use set_status!(stats, ...), done = true, and continue, where the second argument of set_status! is one of the statuses available in SolverCore.STATUSES. You can call SolverCore.show_statuses() to see them. If you need more specific statuses, create an issue.
  • Use the set_...!(stats, ...) functions from SolverCore to update the stats. For instance, set_objective!(stats, f), set_time!(stats, time() - start_time), and set_dual_residual!(stats, gnorm).
  • Don't log when verbose == 0. When logging, use @info log_header(...) and @info log_row(...).
  • Write docstrings for SolverName. The format is still a bit loose.