GPU support

Krylov methods are well suited for GPU computations because they only require matrix-vector products ($u \leftarrow Av$, $u \leftarrow A^{H}w$) and vector operations ($\|v\|$, $u^H v$, $v \leftarrow \alpha u + \beta v$), which are highly parallelizable.

The implementations in Krylov.jl are generic so as to take advantage of the multiple dispatch and broadcast features of Julia. Those allow the implementations to be specialized automatically by the compiler for both CPU and GPU. Thus, Krylov.jl works with GPU backends that build on GPUArrays.jl, such as CUDA.jl, AMDGPU.jl, oneAPI.jl or Metal.jl.

Nvidia GPUs

All solvers in Krylov.jl can be used with CUDA.jl and allow computations on Nvidia GPUs. Problems stored in CPU format (Matrix and Vector) must first be converted to the related GPU format (CuMatrix and CuVector).

using CUDA, Krylov

if CUDA.functional()
  # CPU Arrays
  A_cpu = rand(20, 20)
  b_cpu = rand(20)

  # GPU Arrays
  A_gpu = CuMatrix(A_cpu)
  b_gpu = CuVector(b_cpu)

  # Solve a square and dense system on an Nivida GPU
  x, stats = bilq(A_gpu, b_gpu)

Sparse matrices have a specific storage on Nvidia GPUs (CuSparseMatrixCSC, CuSparseMatrixCSR or CuSparseMatrixCOO):

using CUDA, Krylov
using CUDA.CUSPARSE, SparseArrays

if CUDA.functional()
  # CPU Arrays
  A_cpu = sprand(200, 100, 0.3)
  b_cpu = rand(200)

  # GPU Arrays
  A_csc_gpu = CuSparseMatrixCSC(A_cpu)
  A_csr_gpu = CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu)
  A_coo_gpu = CuSparseMatrixCOO(A_cpu)
  b_gpu = CuVector(b_cpu)

  # Solve a rectangular and sparse system on an Nvidia GPU
  x_csc, stats_csc = lslq(A_csc_gpu, b_gpu)
  x_csr, stats_csr = lsqr(A_csr_gpu, b_gpu)
  x_coo, stats_coo = lsmr(A_coo_gpu, b_gpu)

If you use a Krylov method that only requires A * v products (see here), the most efficient format is CuSparseMatrixCSR. Optimized operator-vector and operator-matrix products that exploit GPU features can be also used by means of linear operators.

For instance, when executing sparse matrix products on NVIDIA GPUs, the mul! function utilized by Krylov.jl internally calls three routines from CUSPARSE. The first one conducts an analysis of the sparse matrix's structure, the second one determines the size of the buffer that needs to be allocated, and the last one handles the product using the allocated buffer. To circumvent the need for repeated analysis computations and buffer allocation/deallocation with each product, we introduce a KrylovOperator in KrylovPreconditioners.jl. This operator performs the analysis and allocates the buffer only once.

using Krylov, KrylovPreconditioners

# A_gpu can be a sparse COO, CSC or CSR matrix
opA_gpu = KrylovOperator(A_gpu)
x_gpu, stats = gmres(opA_gpu, b_gpu)

Preconditioners, especially incomplete Cholesky or incomplete LU factorizations that involve sparse triangular solves, can be applied directly on GPU thanks to efficient operators (like TriangularOperator) that take advantage of CUSPARSE routines.

Example with a symmetric positive-definite system

using SparseArrays, Krylov, LinearOperators

if CUDA.functional()
  # Transfer the linear system from the CPU to the GPU
  A_gpu = CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu)  # A_gpu = CuSparseMatrixCSC(A_cpu)
  b_gpu = CuVector(b_cpu)

  # IC(0) decomposition LLᴴ ≈ A for CuSparseMatrixCSC or CuSparseMatrixCSR matrices
  P = ic02(A_gpu)

  # Additional vector required for solving triangular systems
  n = length(b_gpu)
  T = eltype(b_gpu)
  z = CUDA.zeros(T, n)

  # Solve Py = x
  function ldiv_ic0!(P::CuSparseMatrixCSR, x, y, z)
    ldiv!(z, LowerTriangular(P), x)   # Forward substitution with L
    ldiv!(y, LowerTriangular(P)', z)  # Backward substitution with Lᴴ
    return y

  function ldiv_ic0!(P::CuSparseMatrixCSC, x, y, z)
    ldiv!(z, UpperTriangular(P)', x)  # Forward substitution with L
    ldiv!(y, UpperTriangular(P), z)   # Backward substitution with Lᴴ
    return y

  # Operator that model P⁻¹
  symmetric = hermitian = true
  opM = LinearOperator(T, n, n, symmetric, hermitian, (y, x) -> ldiv_ic0!(P, x, y, z))

  # Solve an Hermitian positive definite system with an IC(0) preconditioner on GPU
  x, stats = cg(A_gpu, b_gpu, M=opM)

Example with a general square system

using SparseArrays, Krylov, LinearOperators

if CUDA.functional()
  # Optional -- Compute a permutation vector p such that A[:,p] has no zero diagonal
  p = zfd(A_cpu)
  p .+= 1
  A_cpu = A_cpu[:,p]

  # Transfer the linear system from the CPU to the GPU
  A_gpu = CuSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu)  # A_gpu = CuSparseMatrixCSC(A_cpu)
  b_gpu = CuVector(b_cpu)

  # ILU(0) decomposition LU ≈ A for CuSparseMatrixCSC or CuSparseMatrixCSR matrices
  P = ilu02(A_gpu)

  # Additional vector required for solving triangular systems
  n = length(b_gpu)
  T = eltype(b_gpu)
  z = CUDA.zeros(T, n)

  # Solve Py = x
  function ldiv_ilu0!(P::CuSparseMatrixCSR, x, y, z)
    ldiv!(z, UnitLowerTriangular(P), x)  # Forward substitution with L
    ldiv!(y, UpperTriangular(P), z)      # Backward substitution with U
    return y

  function ldiv_ilu0!(P::CuSparseMatrixCSC, x, y, z)
    ldiv!(z, LowerTriangular(P), x)      # Forward substitution with L
    ldiv!(y, UnitUpperTriangular(P), z)  # Backward substitution with U
    return y

  # Operator that model P⁻¹
  symmetric = hermitian = false
  opM = LinearOperator(T, n, n, symmetric, hermitian, (y, x) -> ldiv_ilu0!(P, x, y, z))

  # Solve a non-Hermitian system with an ILU(0) preconditioner on GPU
  x̄, stats = bicgstab(A_gpu, b_gpu, M=opM)

  # Recover the solution of Ax = b with the solution of A[:,p]x̄ = b
  invp = invperm(p)
  x = x̄[invp]


All solvers in Krylov.jl can be used with AMDGPU.jl and allow computations on AMD GPUs. Problems stored in CPU format (Matrix and Vector) must first be converted to the related GPU format (ROCMatrix and ROCVector).

using Krylov, AMDGPU

if AMDGPU.functional()
  # CPU Arrays
  A_cpu = rand(ComplexF64, 20, 20)
  A_cpu = A_cpu + A_cpu'
  b_cpu = rand(ComplexF64, 20)

  A_gpu = ROCMatrix(A_cpu)
  b_gpu = ROCVector(b_cpu)

  # Solve a dense Hermitian system on an AMD GPU
  x, stats = minres(A_gpu, b_gpu)

Sparse matrices have a specific storage on AMD GPUs (ROCSparseMatrixCSC, ROCSparseMatrixCSR or ROCSparseMatrixCOO):

using AMDGPU, Krylov
using AMDGPU.rocSPARSE, SparseArrays

if AMDGPU.functional()
  # CPU Arrays
  A_cpu = sprand(100, 200, 0.3)
  b_cpu = rand(100)

  # GPU Arrays
  A_csc_gpu = ROCSparseMatrixCSC(A_cpu)
  A_csr_gpu = ROCSparseMatrixCSR(A_cpu)
  A_coo_gpu = ROCSparseMatrixCOO(A_cpu)
  b_gpu = ROCVector(b_cpu)

  # Solve a rectangular and sparse system on an AMD GPU
  x_csc, y_csc, stats_csc = lnlq(A_csc_gpu, b_gpu)
  x_csr, y_csr, stats_csr = craig(A_csr_gpu, b_gpu)
  x_coo, y_coo, stats_coo = craigmr(A_coo_gpu, b_gpu)

When executing sparse products on AMD GPUs, the mul! function utilized by Krylov.jl internally calls three routines from rocSPARSE. The first one conducts an analysis of the sparse matrix's structure, the second one determines the size of the buffer that needs to be allocated, and the last one handles the product using the allocated buffer. To circumvent the need for repeated analysis computations and buffer allocation/deallocation with each product, we introduce a KrylovOperator in KrylovPreconditioners.jl. This operator performs the analysis and allocates the buffer only once.

using Krylov, KrylovPreconditioners

# A_gpu can be a sparse COO, CSC or CSR matrix
opA_gpu = KrylovOperator(A_gpu)
x_gpu, stats = bicgstab(opA_gpu, b_gpu)

Preconditioners, especially incomplete Cholesky or incomplete LU factorizations that involve sparse triangular solves, can be applied directly on GPU thanks to efficient operators (like TriangularOperator) that take advantage of rocSPARSE routines.

Intel GPUs

All solvers in Krylov.jl can be used with oneAPI.jl and allow computations on Intel GPUs. Problems stored in CPU format (Matrix and Vector) must first be converted to the related GPU format (oneMatrix and oneVector).

using Krylov, oneAPI

if oneAPI.functional()
  T = Float32  # oneAPI.jl also works with ComplexF32
  m = 20
  n = 10

  # CPU Arrays
  A_cpu = rand(T, m, n)
  b_cpu = rand(T, m)

  # GPU Arrays
  A_gpu = oneMatrix(A_cpu)
  b_gpu = oneVector(b_cpu)

  # Solve a dense least-squares problem on an Intel GPU
  x, stats = lsqr(A_gpu, b_gpu)

The library oneMKL is interfaced in oneAPI.jl and accelerates linear algebra operations on Intel GPUs. Only dense linear systems are supported for the time being because sparse linear algebra routines are not interfaced yet.

Apple M1 GPUs

All solvers in Krylov.jl can be used with Metal.jl and allow computations on Apple M1 GPUs. Problems stored in CPU format (Matrix and Vector) must first be converted to the related GPU format (MtlMatrix and MtlVector).

using Krylov, Metal

T = Float32  # Metal.jl also works with ComplexF32
n = 10
m = 20

# CPU Arrays
A_cpu = rand(T, n, m)
b_cpu = rand(T, n)

# GPU Arrays
A_gpu = MtlMatrix(A_cpu)
b_gpu = MtlVector(b_cpu)

# Solve a dense least-norm problem on an Apple M1 GPU
x, stats = craig(A_gpu, b_gpu)

Metal.jl is under heavy development and is considered experimental for now.