— Function(x, stats) = cgne(A, b::AbstractVector{FC};
N=I, ldiv::Bool=false,
λ::T=zero(T), atol::T=√eps(T),
rtol::T=√eps(T), itmax::Int=0,
timemax::Float64=Inf, verbose::Int=0, history::Bool=false,
callback=solver->false, iostream::IO=kstdout)
is an AbstractFloat
such as Float32
, Float64
or BigFloat
. FC
is T
or Complex{T}
Solve the consistent linear system
Ax + √λs = b
of size m × n using the Conjugate Gradient (CG) method, where λ ≥ 0 is a regularization parameter. This method is equivalent to applying CG to the normal equations of the second kind
(AAᴴ + λI) y = b
but is more stable. When λ = 0, this method solves the minimum-norm problem
min ‖x‖₂ s.t. Ax = b.
When λ > 0, it solves the problem
min ‖(x,s)‖₂ s.t. Ax + √λs = b.
CGNE produces monotonic errors ‖x-x*‖₂ but not residuals ‖r‖₂. It is formally equivalent to CRAIG, though can be slightly less accurate, but simpler to implement. Only the x-part of the solution is returned.
Input arguments
: a linear operator that models a matrix of dimension m × n;b
: a vector of length m.
Keyword arguments
: linear operator that models a Hermitian positive-definite matrix of sizen
used for preconditioning;ldiv
: define whether the preconditioner usesldiv!
: regularization parameter;atol
: absolute stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;rtol
: relative stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;itmax
: the maximum number of iterations. Ifitmax=0
, the default number of iterations is set tom+n
: the time limit in seconds;verbose
: additional details can be displayed if verbose mode is enabled (verbose > 0). Information will be displayed everyverbose
: collect additional statistics on the run such as residual norms, or Aᴴ-residual norms;callback
: function or functor called ascallback(solver)
that returnstrue
if the Krylov method should terminate, andfalse
: stream to which output is logged.
Output arguments
: a dense vector of length n;stats
: statistics collected on the run in aSimpleStats
- J. E. Craig, The N-step iteration procedures, Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 34(1), pp. 64–73, 1955.
- J. E. Craig, Iterations Procedures for Simultaneous Equations, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering, MIT, 1954.
— Functionsolver = cgne!(solver::CgneSolver, A, b; kwargs...)
where kwargs
are keyword arguments of cgne
See CgneSolver
for more details about the solver
— Function(x, stats) = crmr(A, b::AbstractVector{FC};
N=I, ldiv::Bool=false,
λ::T=zero(T), atol::T=√eps(T),
rtol::T=√eps(T), itmax::Int=0,
timemax::Float64=Inf, verbose::Int=0, history::Bool=false,
callback=solver->false, iostream::IO=kstdout)
is an AbstractFloat
such as Float32
, Float64
or BigFloat
. FC
is T
or Complex{T}
Solve the consistent linear system
Ax + √λs = b
of size m × n using the Conjugate Residual (CR) method, where λ ≥ 0 is a regularization parameter. This method is equivalent to applying CR to the normal equations of the second kind
(AAᴴ + λI) y = b
but is more stable. When λ = 0, this method solves the minimum-norm problem
min ‖x‖₂ s.t. x ∈ argmin ‖Ax - b‖₂.
When λ > 0, this method solves the problem
min ‖(x,s)‖₂ s.t. Ax + √λs = b.
CRMR produces monotonic residuals ‖r‖₂. It is formally equivalent to CRAIG-MR, though can be slightly less accurate, but simpler to implement. Only the x-part of the solution is returned.
Input arguments
: a linear operator that models a matrix of dimension m × n;b
: a vector of length m.
Keyword arguments
: linear operator that models a Hermitian positive-definite matrix of sizen
used for preconditioning;ldiv
: define whether the preconditioner usesldiv!
: regularization parameter;atol
: absolute stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;rtol
: relative stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;itmax
: the maximum number of iterations. Ifitmax=0
, the default number of iterations is set tom+n
: the time limit in seconds;verbose
: additional details can be displayed if verbose mode is enabled (verbose > 0). Information will be displayed everyverbose
: collect additional statistics on the run such as residual norms, or Aᴴ-residual norms;callback
: function or functor called ascallback(solver)
that returnstrue
if the Krylov method should terminate, andfalse
: stream to which output is logged.
Output arguments
: a dense vector of length n;stats
: statistics collected on the run in aSimpleStats
- D. Orban and M. Arioli, Iterative Solution of Symmetric Quasi-Definite Linear Systems, Volume 3 of Spotlights. SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 2017.
- D. Orban, The Projected Golub-Kahan Process for Constrained Linear Least-Squares Problems. Cahier du GERAD G-2014-15, 2014.
— Functionsolver = crmr!(solver::CrmrSolver, A, b; kwargs...)
where kwargs
are keyword arguments of crmr
See CrmrSolver
for more details about the solver
— Function(x, y, stats) = lnlq(A, b::AbstractVector{FC};
M=I, N=I, ldiv::Bool=false,
sqd::Bool=false, λ::T=zero(T),
σ::T=zero(T), utolx::T=√eps(T),
utoly::T=√eps(T), atol::T=√eps(T),
rtol::T=√eps(T), itmax::Int=0,
timemax::Float64=Inf, verbose::Int=0, history::Bool=false,
callback=solver->false, iostream::IO=kstdout)
is an AbstractFloat
such as Float32
, Float64
or BigFloat
. FC
is T
or Complex{T}
Find the least-norm solution of the consistent linear system
Ax + λ²y = b
of size m × n using the LNLQ method, where λ ≥ 0 is a regularization parameter.
For a system in the form Ax = b, LNLQ method is equivalent to applying SYMMLQ to AAᴴy = b and recovering x = Aᴴy but is more stable. Note that y are the Lagrange multipliers of the least-norm problem
minimize ‖x‖ s.t. Ax = b.
If λ > 0
, LNLQ solves the symmetric and quasi-definite system
[ -F Aᴴ ] [ x ] [ 0 ]
[ A λ²E ] [ y ] = [ b ],
where E and F are symmetric and positive definite. Preconditioners M = E⁻¹ ≻ 0 and N = F⁻¹ ≻ 0 may be provided in the form of linear operators. If sqd=true
, λ
is set to the common value 1
The system above represents the optimality conditions of
min ‖x‖²_F + λ²‖y‖²_E s.t. Ax + λ²Ey = b.
For a symmetric and positive definite matrix K
, the K-norm of a vector x
is ‖x‖²_K = xᴴKx
. LNLQ is then equivalent to applying SYMMLQ to (AF⁻¹Aᴴ + λ²E)y = b
with Fx = Aᴴy
If λ = 0
, LNLQ solves the symmetric and indefinite system
[ -F Aᴴ ] [ x ] [ 0 ]
[ A 0 ] [ y ] = [ b ].
The system above represents the optimality conditions of
minimize ‖x‖²_F s.t. Ax = b.
In this case, M
can still be specified and indicates the weighted norm in which residuals are measured.
In this implementation, both the x and y-parts of the solution are returned.
and utoly
are tolerances on the upper bound of the distance to the solution ‖x-x‖ and ‖y-y‖, respectively. The bound is valid if λ>0 or σ>0 where σ should be strictly smaller than the smallest positive singular value. For instance σ:=(1-1e-7)σₘᵢₙ .
Input arguments
: a linear operator that models a matrix of dimension m × n;b
: a vector of length m.
Keyword arguments
: linear operator that models a Hermitian positive-definite matrix of sizem
used for centered preconditioning of the augmented system;N
: linear operator that models a Hermitian positive-definite matrix of sizen
used for centered preconditioning of the augmented system;ldiv
: define whether the preconditioners useldiv!
: transfer from the LNLQ point to the CRAIG point, when it exists. The transfer is based on the residual norm;sqd
: iftrue
, setλ=1
for Hermitian quasi-definite systems;λ
: regularization parameter;σ
: strict lower bound on the smallest positive singular valueσₘᵢₙ
such asσ = (1-10⁻⁷)σₘᵢₙ
: tolerance on the upper bound on the distance to the solution‖x-x*‖
: tolerance on the upper bound on the distance to the solution‖y-y*‖
: absolute stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;rtol
: relative stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;itmax
: the maximum number of iterations. Ifitmax=0
, the default number of iterations is set tom+n
: the time limit in seconds;verbose
: additional details can be displayed if verbose mode is enabled (verbose > 0). Information will be displayed everyverbose
: collect additional statistics on the run such as residual norms, or Aᴴ-residual norms;callback
: function or functor called ascallback(solver)
that returnstrue
if the Krylov method should terminate, andfalse
: stream to which output is logged.
Output arguments
: a dense vector of length n;y
: a dense vector of length m;stats
: statistics collected on the run in aLNLQStats
- R. Estrin, D. Orban, M.A. Saunders, LNLQ: An Iterative Method for Least-Norm Problems with an Error Minimization Property, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 40(3), pp. 1102–1124, 2019.
— Functionsolver = lnlq!(solver::LnlqSolver, A, b; kwargs...)
where kwargs
are keyword arguments of lnlq
See LnlqSolver
for more details about the solver
— Function(x, y, stats) = craig(A, b::AbstractVector{FC};
M=I, N=I, ldiv::Bool=false,
transfer_to_lsqr::Bool=false, sqd::Bool=false,
λ::T=zero(T), btol::T=√eps(T),
conlim::T=1/√eps(T), atol::T=√eps(T),
rtol::T=√eps(T), itmax::Int=0,
timemax::Float64=Inf, verbose::Int=0, history::Bool=false,
callback=solver->false, iostream::IO=kstdout)
is an AbstractFloat
such as Float32
, Float64
or BigFloat
. FC
is T
or Complex{T}
Find the least-norm solution of the consistent linear system
Ax + λ²y = b
of size m × n using the Golub-Kahan implementation of Craig's method, where λ ≥ 0 is a regularization parameter. This method is equivalent to CGNE but is more stable.
For a system in the form Ax = b, Craig's method is equivalent to applying CG to AAᴴy = b and recovering x = Aᴴy. Note that y are the Lagrange multipliers of the least-norm problem
minimize ‖x‖ s.t. Ax = b.
If λ > 0
, CRAIG solves the symmetric and quasi-definite system
[ -F Aᴴ ] [ x ] [ 0 ]
[ A λ²E ] [ y ] = [ b ],
where E and F are symmetric and positive definite. Preconditioners M = E⁻¹ ≻ 0 and N = F⁻¹ ≻ 0 may be provided in the form of linear operators. If sqd=true
, λ
is set to the common value 1
The system above represents the optimality conditions of
min ‖x‖²_F + λ²‖y‖²_E s.t. Ax + λ²Ey = b.
For a symmetric and positive definite matrix K
, the K-norm of a vector x
is ‖x‖²_K = xᴴKx
. CRAIG is then equivalent to applying CG to (AF⁻¹Aᴴ + λ²E)y = b
with Fx = Aᴴy
If λ = 0
, CRAIG solves the symmetric and indefinite system
[ -F Aᴴ ] [ x ] [ 0 ]
[ A 0 ] [ y ] = [ b ].
The system above represents the optimality conditions of
minimize ‖x‖²_F s.t. Ax = b.
In this case, M
can still be specified and indicates the weighted norm in which residuals are measured.
In this implementation, both the x and y-parts of the solution are returned.
Input arguments
: a linear operator that models a matrix of dimension m × n;b
: a vector of length m.
Keyword arguments
: linear operator that models a Hermitian positive-definite matrix of sizem
used for centered preconditioning of the augmented system;N
: linear operator that models a Hermitian positive-definite matrix of sizen
used for centered preconditioning of the augmented system;ldiv
: define whether the preconditioners useldiv!
: transfer from the LSLQ point to the LSQR point, when it exists. The transfer is based on the residual norm;sqd
: iftrue
, setλ=1
for Hermitian quasi-definite systems;λ
: regularization parameter;btol
: stopping tolerance used to detect zero-residual problems;conlim
: limit on the estimated condition number ofA
beyond which the solution will be abandoned;atol
: absolute stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;rtol
: relative stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;itmax
: the maximum number of iterations. Ifitmax=0
, the default number of iterations is set tom+n
: the time limit in seconds;verbose
: additional details can be displayed if verbose mode is enabled (verbose > 0). Information will be displayed everyverbose
: collect additional statistics on the run such as residual norms, or Aᴴ-residual norms;callback
: function or functor called ascallback(solver)
that returnstrue
if the Krylov method should terminate, andfalse
: stream to which output is logged.
Output arguments
: a dense vector of length n;y
: a dense vector of length m;stats
: statistics collected on the run in aSimpleStats
- J. E. Craig, The N-step iteration procedures, Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 34(1-4), pp. 64–73, 1955.
- C. C. Paige and M. A. Saunders, LSQR: An Algorithm for Sparse Linear Equations and Sparse Least Squares, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 8(1), pp. 43–71, 1982.
- M. A. Saunders, Solutions of Sparse Rectangular Systems Using LSQR and CRAIG, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 35(4), pp. 588–604, 1995.
— Functionsolver = craig!(solver::CraigSolver, A, b; kwargs...)
where kwargs
are keyword arguments of craig
See CraigSolver
for more details about the solver
— Function(x, y, stats) = craigmr(A, b::AbstractVector{FC};
M=I, N=I, ldiv::Bool=false,
sqd::Bool=false, λ::T=zero(T), atol::T=√eps(T),
rtol::T=√eps(T), itmax::Int=0,
timemax::Float64=Inf, verbose::Int=0, history::Bool=false,
callback=solver->false, iostream::IO=kstdout)
is an AbstractFloat
such as Float32
, Float64
or BigFloat
. FC
is T
or Complex{T}
Solve the consistent linear system
Ax + λ²y = b
of size m × n using the CRAIGMR method, where λ ≥ 0 is a regularization parameter. This method is equivalent to applying the Conjugate Residuals method to the normal equations of the second kind
(AAᴴ + λ²I) y = b
but is more stable. When λ = 0, this method solves the minimum-norm problem
min ‖x‖ s.t. x ∈ argmin ‖Ax - b‖.
If λ > 0
, CRAIGMR solves the symmetric and quasi-definite system
[ -F Aᴴ ] [ x ] [ 0 ]
[ A λ²E ] [ y ] = [ b ],
where E and F are symmetric and positive definite. Preconditioners M = E⁻¹ ≻ 0 and N = F⁻¹ ≻ 0 may be provided in the form of linear operators. If sqd=true
, λ
is set to the common value 1
The system above represents the optimality conditions of
min ‖x‖²_F + λ²‖y‖²_E s.t. Ax + λ²Ey = b.
For a symmetric and positive definite matrix K
, the K-norm of a vector x
is ‖x‖²_K = xᴴKx
. CRAIGMR is then equivalent to applying MINRES to (AF⁻¹Aᴴ + λ²E)y = b
with Fx = Aᴴy
If λ = 0
, CRAIGMR solves the symmetric and indefinite system
[ -F Aᴴ ] [ x ] [ 0 ]
[ A 0 ] [ y ] = [ b ].
The system above represents the optimality conditions of
min ‖x‖²_F s.t. Ax = b.
In this case, M
can still be specified and indicates the weighted norm in which residuals are measured.
CRAIGMR produces monotonic residuals ‖r‖₂. It is formally equivalent to CRMR, though can be slightly more accurate, and intricate to implement. Both the x- and y-parts of the solution are returned.
Input arguments
: a linear operator that models a matrix of dimension m × n;b
: a vector of length m.
Keyword arguments
: linear operator that models a Hermitian positive-definite matrix of sizem
used for centered preconditioning of the augmented system;N
: linear operator that models a Hermitian positive-definite matrix of sizen
used for centered preconditioning of the augmented system;ldiv
: define whether the preconditioners useldiv!
: iftrue
, setλ=1
for Hermitian quasi-definite systems;λ
: regularization parameter;atol
: absolute stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;rtol
: relative stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;itmax
: the maximum number of iterations. Ifitmax=0
, the default number of iterations is set tom+n
: the time limit in seconds;verbose
: additional details can be displayed if verbose mode is enabled (verbose > 0). Information will be displayed everyverbose
: collect additional statistics on the run such as residual norms, or Aᴴ-residual norms;callback
: function or functor called ascallback(solver)
that returnstrue
if the Krylov method should terminate, andfalse
: stream to which output is logged.
Output arguments
: a dense vector of length n;y
: a dense vector of length m;stats
: statistics collected on the run in aSimpleStats
- D. Orban and M. Arioli. Iterative Solution of Symmetric Quasi-Definite Linear Systems, Volume 3 of Spotlights. SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 2017.
- D. Orban, The Projected Golub-Kahan Process for Constrained, Linear Least-Squares Problems. Cahier du GERAD G-2014-15, 2014.
— Functionsolver = craigmr!(solver::CraigmrSolver, A, b; kwargs...)
where kwargs
are keyword arguments of craigmr
See CraigmrSolver
for more details about the solver
— Function(x, stats) = usymlq(A, b::AbstractVector{FC}, c::AbstractVector{FC};
transfer_to_usymcg::Bool=true, atol::T=√eps(T),
rtol::T=√eps(T), itmax::Int=0,
timemax::Float64=Inf, verbose::Int=0, history::Bool=false,
callback=solver->false, iostream::IO=kstdout)
is an AbstractFloat
such as Float32
, Float64
or BigFloat
. FC
is T
or Complex{T}
(x, stats) = usymlq(A, b, c, x0::AbstractVector; kwargs...)
USYMLQ can be warm-started from an initial guess x0
where kwargs
are the same keyword arguments as above.
USYMLQ determines the least-norm solution of the consistent linear system Ax = b of size m × n.
USYMLQ is based on the orthogonal tridiagonalization process and requires two initial nonzero vectors b
and c
. The vector c
is only used to initialize the process and a default value can be b
or Aᴴb
depending on the shape of A
. The error norm ‖x - x*‖ monotonously decreases in USYMLQ. It's considered as a generalization of SYMMLQ.
It can also be applied to under-determined and over-determined problems. In all cases, problems must be consistent.
Input arguments
: a linear operator that models a matrix of dimension m × n;b
: a vector of length m;c
: a vector of length n.
Optional argument
: a vector of length n that represents an initial guess of the solution x.
Keyword arguments
: transfer from the USYMLQ point to the USYMCG point, when it exists. The transfer is based on the residual norm;atol
: absolute stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;rtol
: relative stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;itmax
: the maximum number of iterations. Ifitmax=0
, the default number of iterations is set tom+n
: the time limit in seconds;verbose
: additional details can be displayed if verbose mode is enabled (verbose > 0). Information will be displayed everyverbose
: collect additional statistics on the run such as residual norms, or Aᴴ-residual norms;callback
: function or functor called ascallback(solver)
that returnstrue
if the Krylov method should terminate, andfalse
: stream to which output is logged.
Output arguments
: a dense vector of length n;stats
: statistics collected on the run in aSimpleStats
- M. A. Saunders, H. D. Simon, and E. L. Yip, Two Conjugate-Gradient-Type Methods for Unsymmetric Linear Equations, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 25(4), pp. 927–940, 1988.
- A. Buttari, D. Orban, D. Ruiz and D. Titley-Peloquin, A tridiagonalization method for symmetric saddle-point and quasi-definite systems, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 41(5), pp. 409–432, 2019.
- A. Montoison and D. Orban, BiLQ: An Iterative Method for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems with a Quasi-Minimum Error Property, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 41(3), pp. 1145–1166, 2020.
— Functionsolver = usymlq!(solver::UsymlqSolver, A, b, c; kwargs...)
solver = usymlq!(solver::UsymlqSolver, A, b, c, x0; kwargs...)
where kwargs
are keyword arguments of usymlq
See UsymlqSolver
for more details about the solver