In-place methods
All solvers in Krylov.jl have an in-place variant implemented in a method whose name ends with !
. A workspace (KrylovSolver
) that contains the storage needed by a Krylov method can be used to solve multiple linear systems that have the same dimensions in the same floating-point precision. Each KrylovSolver
has two constructors:
XyzSolver(A, b)
XyzSolver(m, n, S)
is the name of the Krylov method with lowercase letters except its first one (Cg
, Minres
, Lsmr
, Bicgstab
, ...). Given an operator A
and a right-hand side b
, you can create a KrylovSolver
based on the size of A
and the type of b
or explicitly give the dimensions (m, n)
and the storage type S
For example, use S = Vector{Float64}
if you want to solve linear systems in double precision on the CPU and S = CuVector{Float32}
if you want to solve linear systems in single precision on an Nvidia GPU.
, FomSolver
, DqgmresSolver
, GmresSolver
, BlockGmresSolver
, FgmresSolver
, GpmrSolver
and CgLanczosShiftSolver
require an additional argument (memory
or nshifts
The workspace is always the first argument of the in-place methods:
minres_solver = MinresSolver(n, n, Vector{Float64})
minres!(minres_solver, A1, b1)
dqgmres_solver = DqgmresSolver(n, n, memory, Vector{BigFloat})
dqgmres!(dqgmres_solver, A2, b2)
lsqr_solver = LsqrSolver(m, n, CuVector{Float32})
lsqr!(lsqr_solver, A3, b3)
A generic function solve!
is also available and dispatches to the appropriate Krylov method.
— Functionsolve!(solver, args...; kwargs...)
Use the in-place Krylov method associated to solver
In-place methods return an updated solver
workspace. Solutions and statistics can be recovered via solver.x
, solver.y
and solver.stats
. Functions solution
and statistics
can be also used.
— Functionnsolution(solver)
Return the number of outputs of solution(solver)
— Functionsolution(solver)
Return the solution(s) stored in the solver
. Optionally you can specify which solution you want to recover, solution(solver, 1)
returns x
and solution(solver, 2)
returns y
— Functionstatistics(solver)
Return the statistics stored in the solver
— Functionissolved(solver)
Return a boolean that determines whether the Krylov method associated to solver
We illustrate the use of in-place Krylov solvers with two well-known optimization methods. The details of the optimization methods are described in the section about Factorization-free operators.
Example 1: Newton's method for convex optimization without linesearch
using Krylov
function newton(∇f, ∇²f, x₀; itmax = 200, tol = 1e-8)
n = length(x₀)
x = copy(x₀)
gx = ∇f(x)
iter = 0
S = typeof(x)
solver = CgSolver(n, n, S)
Δx = solver.x
solved = false
tired = false
while !(solved || tired)
Hx = ∇²f(x) # Compute ∇²f(xₖ)
cg!(solver, Hx, -gx) # Solve ∇²f(xₖ)Δx = -∇f(xₖ)
x = x + Δx # Update xₖ₊₁ = xₖ + Δx
gx = ∇f(x) # ∇f(xₖ₊₁)
iter += 1
solved = norm(gx) ≤ tol
tired = iter ≥ itmax
return x
Example 2: The Gauss-Newton method for nonlinear least squares without linesearch
using Krylov
function gauss_newton(F, JF, x₀; itmax = 200, tol = 1e-8)
n = length(x₀)
x = copy(x₀)
Fx = F(x)
m = length(Fx)
iter = 0
S = typeof(x)
solver = LsmrSolver(m, n, S)
Δx = solver.x
solved = false
tired = false
while !(solved || tired)
Jx = JF(x) # Compute J(xₖ)
lsmr!(solver, Jx, -Fx) # Minimize ‖J(xₖ)Δx + F(xₖ)‖
x = x + Δx # Update xₖ₊₁ = xₖ + Δx
Fx_old = Fx # F(xₖ)
Fx = F(x) # F(xₖ₊₁)
iter += 1
solved = norm(Fx - Fx_old) / norm(Fx) ≤ tol
tired = iter ≥ itmax
return x