In-place methods

All solvers in Krylov.jl have an in-place variant implemented in a method whose name ends with !. A workspace (KrylovSolver) that contains the storage needed by a Krylov method can be used to solve multiple linear systems that have the same dimensions in the same floating-point precision. Each KrylovSolver has two constructors:

XyzSolver(A, b)
XyzSolver(m, n, S)

Xyz is the name of the Krylov method with lowercase letters except its first one (Cg, Minres, Lsmr, Bicgstab, ...). Given an operator A and a right-hand side b, you can create a KrylovSolver based on the size of A and the type of b or explicitly give the dimensions (m, n) and the storage type S.

For example, use S = Vector{Float64} if you want to solve linear systems in double precision on the CPU and S = CuVector{Float32} if you want to solve linear systems in single precision on an Nvidia GPU.


DiomSolver, FomSolver, DqgmresSolver, GmresSolver, BlockGmresSolver, FgmresSolver, GpmrSolver and CgLanczosShiftSolver require an additional argument (memory or nshifts).

The workspace is always the first argument of the in-place methods:

minres_solver = MinresSolver(n, n, Vector{Float64})
minres!(minres_solver, A1, b1)

dqgmres_solver = DqgmresSolver(n, n, memory, Vector{BigFloat})
dqgmres!(dqgmres_solver, A2, b2)

lsqr_solver = LsqrSolver(m, n, CuVector{Float32})
lsqr!(lsqr_solver, A3, b3)

A generic function solve! is also available and dispatches to the appropriate Krylov method.

solve!(solver, args...; kwargs...)

Use the in-place Krylov method associated to solver.


In-place methods return an updated solver workspace. Solutions and statistics can be recovered via solver.x, solver.y and solver.stats. Functions solution and statistics can be also used.


Return the solution(s) stored in the solver. Optionally you can specify which solution you want to recover, solution(solver, 1) returns x and solution(solver, 2) returns y.


Return a boolean that determines whether the Krylov method associated to solver succeeded.



We illustrate the use of in-place Krylov solvers with two well-known optimization methods. The details of the optimization methods are described in the section about Factorization-free operators.

Example 1: Newton's method for convex optimization without linesearch

using Krylov

function newton(∇f, ∇²f, x₀; itmax = 200, tol = 1e-8)

    n = length(x₀)
    x = copy(x₀)
    gx = ∇f(x)
    iter = 0
    S = typeof(x)
    solver = CgSolver(n, n, S)
    Δx = solver.x

    solved = false
    tired = false

    while !(solved || tired)
        Hx = ∇²f(x)           # Compute ∇²f(xₖ)
        cg!(solver, Hx, -gx)  # Solve ∇²f(xₖ)Δx = -∇f(xₖ)
        x = x + Δx            # Update xₖ₊₁ = xₖ + Δx
        gx = ∇f(x)            # ∇f(xₖ₊₁)
        iter += 1
        solved = norm(gx) ≤ tol
        tired = iter ≥ itmax
    return x

Example 2: The Gauss-Newton method for nonlinear least squares without linesearch

using Krylov

function gauss_newton(F, JF, x₀; itmax = 200, tol = 1e-8)

    n = length(x₀)
    x = copy(x₀)
    Fx = F(x)
    m = length(Fx)
    iter = 0
    S = typeof(x)
    solver = LsmrSolver(m, n, S)
    Δx = solver.x

    solved = false
    tired = false

    while !(solved || tired)
        Jx = JF(x)              # Compute J(xₖ)
        lsmr!(solver, Jx, -Fx)  # Minimize ‖J(xₖ)Δx + F(xₖ)‖
        x = x + Δx              # Update xₖ₊₁ = xₖ + Δx
        Fx_old = Fx             # F(xₖ)
        Fx = F(x)               # F(xₖ₊₁)
        iter += 1
        solved = norm(Fx - Fx_old) / norm(Fx) ≤ tol
        tired = iter ≥ itmax
    return x