Matrix-free operators
All methods are matrix-free, which means that you only need to provide operator-vector products.
The A
or B
input arguments of Krylov.jl solvers can be any object that represents a linear operator. That object must implement mul!
, for multiplication with a vector, size()
and eltype()
. For certain methods it must also implement adjoint()
Some methods only require A * v
products, whereas other ones also require A' * u
products. In the latter case, adjoint(A)
must also be implemented.
A * v | A * v and A' * u |
GPMR is the only method that requires A * v
and B * w
Preconditioners M
, N
, C
, D
, E
or F
can be also linear operators and must implement mul!
or ldiv!
We strongly recommend LinearOperators.jl to model matrix-free operators, but other packages such as LinearMaps.jl, DiffEqOperators.jl or your own operator can be used as well.
With LinearOperators.jl
, operators are defined as
A = LinearOperator(type, nrows, ncols, symmetric, hermitian, prod, tprod, ctprod)
is the operator element type;nrow
are its dimensions;symmetric
should be set totrue
;prod(y, v)
,tprod(y, w)
andctprod(u, w)
are called when writingmul!(y, A, v)
,mul!(y, transpose(A), w)
, andmul!(y, A', u)
, respectively.
See the tutorial and the detailed documentation for more information on LinearOperators.jl
Examples with automatic differentiation
In the field of nonlinear optimization, finding critical points of a continuous function frequently involves linear systems with a Hessian or Jacobian as coefficient. Materializing such operators as matrices is expensive in terms of operations and memory consumption and is unreasonable for high-dimensional problems. However, it is often possible to implement efficient Hessian-vector and Jacobian-vector products, for example with the help of automatic differentiation tools, and used within Krylov solvers. We now illustrate variants with explicit matrices and with matrix-free operators for two well-known optimization methods.
Example 1: Newton's Method for convex optimization
At each iteration of Newton's method applied to a $\mathcal{C}^2$ strictly convex function $f : \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, a descent direction direction is determined by minimizing the quadratic Taylor model of $f$:
\[\min_{d \in \mathbb{R}^n}~~f(x_k) + \nabla f(x_k)^T d + \tfrac{1}{2}~d^T \nabla^2 f(x_k) d\]
which is equivalent to solving the symmetric and positive-definite system
\[\nabla^2 f(x_k) d = -\nabla f(x_k).\]
The system above can be solved with the conjugate gradient method as follows, using the explicit Hessian:
using ForwardDiff, Krylov
xk = -ones(4)
f(x) = (x[1] - 1)^2 + (x[2] - 2)^2 + (x[3] - 3)^2 + (x[4] - 4)^2
g(x) = ForwardDiff.gradient(f, x)
H(x) = ForwardDiff.hessian(f, x)
d, stats = cg(H(xk), -g(xk))
The explicit Hessian can be replaced by a linear operator that only computes Hessian-vector products:
using ForwardDiff, LinearOperators, Krylov
xk = -ones(4)
f(x) = (x[1] - 1)^2 + (x[2] - 2)^2 + (x[3] - 3)^2 + (x[4] - 4)^2
g(x) = ForwardDiff.gradient(f, x)
H(y, v) = ForwardDiff.derivative!(y, t -> g(xk + t * v), 0)
opH = LinearOperator(Float64, 4, 4, true, true, (y, v) -> H(y, v))
cg(opH, -g(xk))
([2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0], SimpleStats
niter: 1
solved: true
inconsistent: false
residuals: []
Aresiduals: []
κ₂(A): []
timer: 649.25ms
status: solution good enough given atol and rtol
Example 2: The Gauss-Newton Method for Nonlinear Least Squares
At each iteration of the Gauss-Newton method applied to a nonlinear least-squares objective $f(x) = \tfrac{1}{2}\| F(x)\|^2$ where $F : \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^m$ is $\mathcal{C}^1$, we solve the subproblem:
\[\min_{d \in \mathbb{R}^n}~~\tfrac{1}{2}~\|J(x_k) d + F(x_k)\|^2,\]
where $J(x)$ is the Jacobian of $F$ at $x$.
An appropriate iterative method to solve the above linear least-squares problems is LSMR. We could pass the explicit Jacobian to LSMR as follows:
using ForwardDiff, Krylov
xk = ones(2)
F(x) = [x[1]^4 - 3; exp(x[2]) - 2; log(x[1]) - x[2]^2]
J(x) = ForwardDiff.jacobian(F, x)
d, stats = lsmr(J(xk), -F(xk))
However, the explicit Jacobian can be replaced by a linear operator that only computes Jacobian-vector and transposed Jacobian-vector products:
using LinearAlgebra, ForwardDiff, LinearOperators, Krylov
xk = ones(2)
F(x) = [x[1]^4 - 3; exp(x[2]) - 2; log(x[1]) - x[2]^2]
J(y, v) = ForwardDiff.derivative!(y, t -> F(xk + t * v), 0)
Jᵀ(y, u) = ForwardDiff.gradient!(y, x -> dot(F(x), u), xk)
opJ = LinearOperator(Float64, 3, 2, false, false, (y, v) -> J(y, v),
(y, w) -> Jᵀ(y, w),
(y, u) -> Jᵀ(y, u))
lsmr(opJ, -F(xk))
([0.49889007728348445, -0.2594343430903828], LsmrStats
niter: 2
solved: true
inconsistent: true
residuals: []
Aresiduals: []
residual: 0.022490204087080457
Aresidual: 1.994504665878452e-15
κ₂(A): 1.2777264193293685
‖A‖F: 5.328138145631234
xNorm: 0.5623144027914095
timer: 587.62ms
status: found approximate minimum least-squares solution
Example with FFT and IFFT
Example 3: Solving the Poisson equation with FFT and IFFT
In applications related to partial differential equations (PDEs), linear systems can arise from discretizing differential operators. Storing such operators as explicit matrices is computationally expensive and unnecessary when matrix-free methods can be used, particularly with structured grids.
The FFT is an algorithm that computes the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of a sequence, transforming data from the spatial domain to the frequency domain. In the context of solving PDEs, it simplifies the application of differential operators like the Laplacian by converting derivatives into algebraic operations.
For a function $u(x)$ discretized on a periodic grid with $n$ points, the FFT of $u$ is:
\[\hat{u}_k = \sum_{j=0}^{n-1} u_j e^{-i k x_j},\]
where $\hat{u}_k$ represents the Fourier coefficients for the frequency $k$, and $u_j$ is the value of $u$ at the grid point $x_j$ defined as $x_j = \frac{2 \pi j}{L}$ with period $L$. The inverse FFT (IFFT) reconstructs $u$ from its Fourier coefficients:
\[u_j = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} \hat{u}_k e^{i k x_j}.\]
In Fourier space, the Laplacian operator $\frac{d^2}{dx^2}$ becomes a simple multiplication by $-k^2$, where $k$ is the wavenumber derived from the grid size. This transforms the Poisson equation $\frac{d^2 u(x)}{dx^2} = f(x)$ into an algebraic equation in the frequency domain:
\[-k^2 \hat{u}_k = \hat{f}_k.\]
By solving for $\hat{u}_k$ and applying the IFFT, we can recover the solution $u(x)$ efficiently.
The inverse FFT is used to convert data from the frequency domain back to the spatial domain. Once the solution in frequency space is obtained by dividing the Fourier coefficients $\hat{f}_k$ by $-k^2$ for $k \neq 0$, the IFFT is applied to transform the result back to the original grid points in the spatial domain. At $k = 0$, the equation $-k^2 \hat{u}_0 = \hat{f}_0$ becomes indeterminate since $k^2 = 0$. This situation corresponds to the zero-frequency component $\hat{f}_0$, which represents the mean of $f(x)$. In such cases, $\hat{u}_0$ is treated separately. It is typically set to 0 to remove the constant mode, or adjusted based on boundary conditions or other constraints.
In some cases, even though the FFT provides an efficient way to apply differential operators (such as the Laplacian) in the frequency domain, a direct solution may not be feasible due to complex boundary conditions, variable coefficients, or grid irregularities. In these situations, the FFT must be coupled with a Krylov method to iteratively solve the problem.
This example consists of solving the 1D Poisson equation on a periodic domain $[0, 4\pi]$:
\[\frac{d^2 u(x)}{dx^2} = f(x),\]
where $u(x)$ is the unknown solution, and $f(x)$ is the given source term. We solve this equation using FFTW.jl to compute the matrix-free action of the Laplacian within the conjugate gradient solver.
Note that while a direct FFT-based approach can be used here due to the simplicity of the periodic boundary conditions, this example illustrates how a Krylov method can be employed to solve more challenging problems.
using FFTW, Krylov, LinearAlgebra
# Define the problem size and domain
n = 32768 # Number of grid points (2^15)
L = 4π # Length of the domain
x = LinRange(0, L, n+1)[1:end-1] # Periodic grid (excluding the last point)
# Define the source term f(x)
f = sin.(x)
# Define a matrix-free operator using FFT and IFFT
struct FFTPoissonOperator
k::Vector{Float64} # Store Fourier wave numbers
function FFTPoissonOperator(n::Int, L::Float64, complex::Bool)
if complex
k = Vector{Float64}(undef, n)
k = Vector{Float64}(undef, n÷2 + 1)
k[1] = sum(f) / n # average value of f(x) over the domain
for j in 1:(n÷2)
k[j+1] = 2 * π * j / L # Positive wave numbers
if complex
for j in 1:(n÷2 - 1)
k[n-j+1] = -2 * π * j / L # Negative wave numbers
return FFTPoissonOperator(n, L, complex, k)
Base.size(A::FFTPoissonOperator) = (n, n)
function Base.eltype(A::FFTPoissonOperator)
type = A.complex ? ComplexF64 : Float64
return type
function LinearAlgebra.mul!(y::Vector, A::FFTPoissonOperator, u::Vector)
# Transform the input vector `u` to the frequency domain using `fft` or `rfft`.
# If the operator is complex, use the full FFT; otherwise, use the real FFT.
if A.complex
u_hat = fft(u)
u_hat = rfft(u)
# In Fourier space, solve the system by multiplying with -k^2 (corresponding to the second derivative).
# This step applies the Laplacian operator in the frequency domain.
u_hat .= -u_hat .* (A.k .^ 2)
# Transform the result back to the spatial domain using `ifft` or `irfft`.
# If the operator is complex, use the full inverse FFT; otherwise, use the inverse real FFT.
if A.complex
y .= ifft(u_hat)
y .= irfft(u_hat, A.n)
return y
# Create the matrix-free operator for the Poisson equation
complex = false
A = FFTPoissonOperator(n, L, complex)
# Solve the linear system using CG
u_sol, stats = cg(A, f, atol=1e-10, rtol=0.0, verbose=1)
([-1.4396866774607265e-16, -0.0003834951875714294, -0.0007669903187429035, -0.0011504853371140187, -0.0015339801862846551, -0.0019174748098556888, -0.0023009691514259776, -0.0026844631545961417, -0.003067956762966194, -0.0034514499201361614 … 0.0038349425697061534, 0.0034514499201357767, 0.0030679567629659133, 0.0026844631545958836, 0.0023009691514256432, 0.0019174748098553713, 0.001533980186284736, 0.0011504853371136822, 0.0007669903187424497, 0.00038349518757125917], SimpleStats
niter: 154
solved: true
inconsistent: false
residuals: []
Aresiduals: []
κ₂(A): []
timer: 142.50ms
status: solution good enough given atol and rtol
# The exact solution is u(x) = -sin(x)
u_star = -sin.(x)
u_star ≈ u_sol
Example with discretized PDE
Example 4: Solving the 3D Helmholtz equation
The Helmholtz equation in 3D is a fundamental equation used in various fields like acoustics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics to model stationary wave phenomena.
The equation is given by:
\[\nabla^2 u(x,y,z) + k^2 u(x,y,z) = f(x,y,z)\]
In this equation, $u(x, y, z)$ represents the unknown function, which could describe a pressure field in acoustics, a scalar potential in electromagnetism, or a wave function in quantum mechanics. The operator $\nabla^2$ denotes the Laplacian in three dimensions. The wave number $k$ is related to the frequency of the wave through the equation $k = \frac{2\pi}{\lambda}$, where $\lambda$ is the wavelength. Finally, $f(x,y,z)$ is a source term that drives the wave phenomena, acting as a forcing function or external influence.
To discretize the Helmholtz equation, we use finite differences on a uniform 3D grid with grid spacings $\Delta x$, $\Delta y$, and $\Delta z$. For a grid point $(i, j, k)$, the second derivatives are approximated as follows:
- In the $x$-direction:
\[\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} \approx \frac{u_{i+1,j,k} - 2u_{i,j,k} + u_{i-1,j,k}}{\Delta x^2}\]
- In the $y$-direction:
\[\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial y^2} \approx \frac{u_{i,j+1,k} - 2u_{i,j,k} + u_{i,j-1,k}}{\Delta y^2}\]
- In the $z$-direction:
\[\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial z^2} \approx \frac{u_{i,j,k+1} - 2u_{i,j,k} + u_{i,j,k-1}}{\Delta z^2}\]
Combining these, the discretized Helmholtz equation becomes:
\[\frac{u_{i+1,j,k} - 2u_{i,j,k} + u_{i-1,j,k}}{\Delta x^2} + \frac{u_{i,j+1,k} - 2u_{i,j,k} + u_{i,j-1,k}}{\Delta y^2} + \frac{u_{i,j,k+1} - 2u_{i,j,k} + u_{i,j,k-1}}{\Delta z^2} + k^2 u_{i,j,k} = f_{i,j,k}\]
This discretization results in an equation at each grid point, resulting in a large and sparse linear system when assembled across the entire 3D grid. To simplify the example, we impose Dirichlet boundary conditions with the solution $u(x, y, z) = 0$ on the boundary of the cubic domain.
Explicitly constructing this large sparse matrix is often impractical and unnecessary. Instead, we can define a function that directly applies the Helmholtz operator to the 3D grid, avoiding the need to form the matrix explicitly.
Krylov.jl operates on vectors, so we must vectorize both the solution and the computational domain. However, we can still maintain the structure of the original 3D operator by using reshape
and vec
. This approach enables a simpler and efficient application of the operator in 3D while leveraging the vectorized framework for linear algebra operations.
using Krylov, LinearAlgebra
# Parameters
L = 1.0 # Length of the cubic domain
Nx = 200 # Number of interior grid points in x
Ny = 200 # Number of interior grid points in y
Nz = 200 # Number of interior grid points in z
Δx = L / (Nx + 1) # Grid spacing in x
Δy = L / (Ny + 1) # Grid spacing in y
Δz = L / (Nz + 1) # Grid spacing in z
wavelength = 0.5 # Wavelength of the wave
k = 2 * π / wavelength # Wave number
# Create the grid points
x = 0:Δx:L # Points in x dimension (Nx + 2)
y = 0:Δy:L # Points in y dimension (Ny + 2)
z = 0:Δz:L # Points in z dimension (Nz + 2)
# Define a matrix-free Helmholtz operator
struct HelmholtzOperator
Base.size(A::HelmholtzOperator) = (A.Nx * A.Ny * A.Nz, A.Nx * A.Ny * A.Nz)
Base.eltype(A::HelmholtzOperator) = Float64
function LinearAlgebra.mul!(y::Vector, A::HelmholtzOperator, u::Vector)
# Reshape vectors y and u into 3D arrays
U = reshape(u, A.Nx, A.Ny, A.Nz)
Y = reshape(y, A.Nx, A.Ny, A.Nz)
# Apply the discrete Laplacian in 3D with k^2 * u
for i in 1:A.Nx
for j in 1:A.Ny
for k in 1:A.Nz
if i == 1
dx2 = (U[i+1,j,k] -2 * U[i,j,k]) / (A.Δx)^2
elseif i == A.Nx
dx2 = (-2 * U[i,j,k] + U[i-1,j,k]) / (A.Δx)^2
dx2 = (U[i+1,j,k] -2 * U[i,j,k] + U[i-1,j,k]) / (A.Δx)^2
if j == 1
dy2 = (U[i,j+1,k] -2 * U[i,j,k]) / (A.Δy)^2
elseif j == A.Ny
dy2 = (-2 * U[i,j,k] + U[i,j-1,k]) / (A.Δy)^2
dy2 = (U[i,j+1,k] -2 * U[i,j,k] + U[i,j-1,k]) / (A.Δy)^2
if k == 1
dz2 = (U[i,j,k+1] -2 * U[i,j,k]) / (A.Δz)^2
elseif k == A.Nz
dz2 = (-2 * U[i,j,k] + U[i,j,k-1]) / (A.Δz)^2
dz2 = (U[i,j,k+1] -2 * U[i,j,k] + U[i,j,k-1]) / (A.Δz)^2
Y[i,j,k] = dx2 + dy2 + dz2 + (A.k)^2 * U[i,j,k]
return y
# Create the matrix-free operator for the Helmholtz equation
A = HelmholtzOperator(Nx, Ny, Nz, Δx, Δy, Δz, k)
# Source term f(x, y, z) = -2k² * sin(kx) * sin(ky) * sin(kz)
F = [-2 * k^2 * sin(k * x[ii+1]) * sin(k * y[jj+1]) * sin(k * z[kk+1]) for ii in 1:Nx, jj in 1:Ny, kk in 1:Nz]
f = vec(F)
# Solve the linear system using MinAres
u_sol, stats = minares(A, f, atol=1e-10, rtol=0.0, verbose=1)
([0.00024400839468931843, 0.0004870633547589754, 0.0007282151710249653, 0.0009665215706178858, 0.0012010513988053421, 0.0014308882573715199, 0.0016551340853373688, 0.0018729126680301527, 0.002083373060791085, 0.0022856929139432984 … -0.0022856929139433474, -0.0020833730607911294, -0.0018729126680301987, -0.0016551340853374025, -0.001430888257371549, -0.001201051398805372, -0.00096652157061791, -0.0007282151710249842, -0.000487063354758982, -0.0002440083946893261], SimpleStats
niter: 1
solved: true
inconsistent: false
residuals: []
Aresiduals: []
κ₂(A): []
timer: 724.45ms
status: solution good enough given atol, rtol and Artol
# Solution as 3D array
U_sol = reshape(u_sol, Nx, Ny, Nz)
# Exact solution u(x,y,z) = sin(kx) * sin(ky) * sin(kz)
U_star = [sin(k * x[ii+1]) * sin(k * y[jj+1]) * sin(k * z[kk+1]) for ii in 1:Nx, jj in 1:Ny, kk in 1:Nz]
# Compute the maximum error between the numerical solution U_sol and the exact solution U_star
norm(U_sol - U_star, Inf)
Note that preconditioners can be also implemented as abstract operators. For instance, we could compute the Cholesky factorization of $M$ and $N$ and create linear operators that perform the forward and backsolves.
Krylov methods combined with factorization free operators allow to reduce computation time and memory requirements considerably by avoiding building and storing the system matrix. In the field of partial differential equations, the implementation of high-performance factorization free operators and assembly free preconditioning is a subject of active research.